This Skullgirls walkthrough is divided into 17 total pages.
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Double: Fighting Marie

Like any other character's story mode, the final boss is Marie. I've always found Marie to be tough, especially as Double (I don't know Double much as a character, I've said this before). Your best bet to to spam your level 1 blockbuster whenever you get it (or you can save it for a method I'll cover later).

j.MP (Jumping middle punch) is a good multi-hitting move that will do a good amount of damage. You should probably spam this while Marie is in her first form. Also, ignore that Steam notification.

Remember how I said you can save your meter for a later time? Well, now's that time. If you saved your meter, you can use your Level 2 blockbuster when Marie is in her second form. The move will summon a bunch of Ms. Fortune heads that attack whenever you land a hit, adding on a ton of damage. The input for this is QCB + KK (Quarter-circle back plus any two kick inputs).

From there, just spam attacks until Marie is in her third form.

Once Marie is in her third form, use your level 1 blockbuster if your meter is filled (The input again is QCB + PP).

After landing the Level 1 blockbuster, just spam j.MK to lower her health a lot. Once she's dead, you've completed Double's story mode. Click "Next Page" to move on to the story mode for Ms. Fortune.
More Skullgirls Walkthroughs
This Skullgirls walkthrough is divided into 17 total pages.