Skullgirls Walkthrough Painwheel: Fighting Marie

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Skullgirls walkthrough is divided into 17 total pages.

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Painwheel: Fighting Marie

Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 97
Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 97

If you've read the character guides prior to this one, you may have noticed the trend in easy boss fights towards the end of this guide. The same still applies for Painwheel.

Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 98
Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 98

Get up close to Marie and start spamming j.HK (Jumping High Kick). This move will make her flinch and cause her attacks to be somewhat delayed.

Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 99
Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 99

When Marie is in her second form, feel free to use Painwheel's Level 1 Blockbuster. This blockbuster will dash towards Marie and massively chunk her health. It also makes a ton of noise. The input for this blockbuster is QCF + PP (Quarter-circle foward plus any two punch inputs).

Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 100
Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 100

Just like her last form, you can still spam j.HK.

Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 101
Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 101

Once Marie reaches her third and final form, you can still spam j.HK, and should be able to land more hits with it. Marie will fall after about 4-5 j.HKs.

Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 102
Skullgirls Walkthrough - Skullgirls 102

...And that's that. Thanks for taking your time and reading this guide! I left a closing on the next page if you wish to read it (just click "Next Page").

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This Skullgirls walkthrough is divided into 17 total pages.

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