League of Legends Walkthrough General Lane Mechanics

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This League of Legends walkthrough is divided into 8 total pages.

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General Lane Mechanics

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 24
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 24

In any lane it's always a good idea to outpush your enemy just a little bit as soon as you get in it, so you hit level 2 before them and outtrade/ kill them early.

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 25
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 25

You should always try to last hit the creeps on the lane, as they grant you gold if you kill them.(unless you're supporting).

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 26
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 26

*WARDING (Check Warding Page)

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 27
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 27

Knowing when to force fights, especially at botlane is a great thing. If you can use your tower or minions to your advantage, always do so, it will almost always end up in a kill for you, unless they're too far ahead.

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 28
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 28

If you're lower than them and you know they don't have a ward, you can always bait a fight when your jungler is coming. Most of the times the enemies will blindly commit to a fight and result in a free kill for you.

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 29
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 29

Trading is a lane mechanic that's very important on every role, even if you're pushed out and close to their tower, you can use your abilities without committing for a kill to walk away with more health than them.

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 30
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 30

Diving towers is a bit harder as they hit pretty hard early game, but can be done if you're outnumbering your enemies. Make sure the tower is not hitting the teammate with the lowest health and you walk away out of its range before it kills you.

League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 31
League of Legends Walkthrough - League of-Legends 31

Taking tower will put an end to your laning phase, now you can either keep pushing the lane and force other enemies to come down and defend or you can join your team and get objectives!

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This League of Legends walkthrough is divided into 8 total pages.

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