Saints Row IV Walkthrough 01 - Nytefall (Matt)

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Saints Row IV walkthrough is divided into 47 total pages.

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01 - Nytefall (Matt)

Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 317
Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 317

Kill the zombies in the casino.

Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 318
Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 318

Clear the area then leave the casino. You will bumped into Nyteblayde at the entrance.

Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 319
Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 319

Get in the car parked by the curb.

Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 320
Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 320

Follow Nyteblayde. Stay close to him to make sure you won't loose him. If you do, you'll only be given 10 seconds to chase after him or else you have to restart the mission from the checkpoint.

Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 321
Saints Row IV Walkthrough - Saints Row-IV 321

When you reach the destination, it will turn out that it's only a trap. Kill Zin-Nyteblayde.

More Saints Row IV Walkthroughs

This Saints Row IV walkthrough is divided into 47 total pages.

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