Saints Row: The Third Walkthrough 22 - Eye Of The Tiger

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Saints Row: The Third walkthrough is divided into 49 total pages.

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22 - Eye Of The Tiger

Saints Row: The Third Walkthrough - Saints Row-The-Third 144
Saints Row: The Third Walkthrough - Saints Row-The-Third 144

Go to the mission location.

Saints Row: The Third Walkthrough - Saints Row-The-Third 145
Saints Row: The Third Walkthrough - Saints Row-The-Third 145

Drive the car as fast as possible. Avoid the car that chasing you and also dont hit people.

Saints Row: The Third Walkthrough - Saints Row-The-Third 146
Saints Row: The Third Walkthrough - Saints Row-The-Third 146

If the animal rage is max, do powerslide. Drive until your courage full. [END]

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This Saints Row: The Third walkthrough is divided into 49 total pages.

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