Forwarding Ports in Your Router for Witchfire

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Port Forward Staff
October 10, 2018 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Witchfire is a First-Person, Survival, Action, Shooter, and Open-World game published by The Astronauts released in 2023.

Witchfire game cover artwork
Witchfire game cover artwork

Witchfire includes the following styles of play.

Forward Ports for Witchfire

As far as we can tell Witchfire is a single player game, which means that there should not be any need to forward ports for it. Most of the time only multiplayer games need to forward a port. Every once in a while some single player games need a port forwarded for things like: updates, downloading new content, and license activation. Any time you want to you can run our Port Finder application to see if Witchfire is opening up any ports to know for sure. When you are done running Port Finder it will show you the specific incoming ports.

  1. Download and install Network Utilities. This is a free download.
  2. After installing it launch Network Utilities and click Port Finder.
  3. Follow the instructions on screen to use the Port Finder application to locate your game's ports.
  4. The required incoming ports will be added to our site as soon as a site admin reviews them.

How Port Finder Works

This is a brief rundown of all the things that Port Finder will do:

Our servers will collect all of the specific incoming ports used by multiple users and intelligently combine them into a single list of ports required. This will become the list that we recommend everyone forwards in their router.

As soon as we find the incoming ports that need to be forwarded for Witchfire we will list them on this page.

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