Assassins Creed II Walkthrough Fitting In

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Assassins Creed II walkthrough is divided into 153 total pages.

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Fitting In

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 355
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 355

Paola will teach you to blend.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 356
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 356

Walk into a group of girls, and the area around you will become grey. You are hidden from guards when this happens.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 357
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 357

Follow Paola.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 358
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 358

She will walk by several groups of guards. Just keep walking. When the guards get too suspisious, blend with a group of citizens.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 359
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 359

There are always plenty of people standing around in a group. Move from group to group as you follow Paola.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 360
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 360

Really it's quite easy.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 361
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 361

Eventually she will lead you back to where you started.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 362
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 362

Next she will teach you to steal.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 363
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 363

Don't start stealing until the counter appears in the upper left hand portion of your screen.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 364
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 364

Then walk by people holding X. You will steal from the people you walk by.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 365
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 365

After you steal, keep moving. You don't want to remain in the area, because they will figure out you stole from them.

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Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 366

When you have stolen from five people, you will complete the mission.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 367
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 367

Fitting In should now be synched.

More Assassins Creed II Walkthroughs

This Assassins Creed II walkthrough is divided into 153 total pages.

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