This Among The Sleep walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.
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Nightmare - Home

After the cutscene head out into the hallway and you'll find a stool standing in front of the door. Remember that you're a 2 year old toddler and not exactly tall enough to reach the handle.

Push the stool in front of the door and climb on top of it. Point and press RB on the door handle to flip the switch, then push the door open.

In the next hallway, you'll see a door that's slightly ajar. Enter it to find the washing machine, and unplug then open it. You'll find teddy inside.

Leave the laundry room and head for the stairs. It's blocked by a baby fence, drag it open and start climbing own those stairs.

Keep going to the opposite side of the hallway and you'll get to the living room. From there turn right and you'll find the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, drag one of the chairs towards the door and flip the handle to open it.

Turn right and continue down the hallway until you find the only open door at the very end of it.

Continue towards the back of the room and you'll find another open door beside the filing cabinet. Now you're inside a walk in closet, use the drawers to reach the handle on the door and proceed inside your mother's bedroom.

Stand up and climb on top of the bed, then pull the covers down to find that your mother has disappeared. Wait for the door to open, then head out into the hallway.

You'll find some sort of black stain on the floor. Follow it back to the kitchen and into the living room where you will find something interesting.

Head back into the hallway that leads into the stairs and you'll find that the storage under the stairs is now open. Enter through it and pass through the silver like liquid.

Climb down the stairs and take the item that the memory of your mother is holding, then proceed through the hole behind her and drop down on the tunnel.

You'll find yourself in a strange area. Proceed through the wooden planks and a playhouse will be waiting for you on the otherside.

Teddy will offer to open the door for you. Pick him up then click on the small opening on the door to push him through and he'll open the door.

Listen to Teddy, then follow him to the machine on the left side. Press up on your Directional Pad and press RB to select the pendant in your inventory.

Close the door afterwards and point at the valve on the right side of the machine. Spin it around until the machine starts up.

Head over to the door and click on the little blue teddy bear icon at the bottom of it. Click on the glowing icon to make Teddy put his paw in and the door will open.

Pick Teddy up againd and head into the room. Drop down on the tunnel inside the door to get to the next chapter.
More Among The Sleep Walkthroughs
This Among The Sleep walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.