This Blocks That Matter walkthrough is divided into 39 total pages.
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Full Stuff
Jump up and gather then jump over the flame go and gather.
Stand on the edge and jump over.
Jump left and move the ice block to the right.
Place a Square-Shape.Then jump over and go gather.
Move the ice block to the right then go back over the flame to where the TNT is.
Place an L-Shape.
Place a Square-Shape with wood on the right sand on the left top and any on the bottom.The Slime will ignite the wood.
Gather and go down and gather.
Place a square with sand on the right.
Break the bottom row and the top left block then go back up.And to the machine.
Break the blocks and go to the next stage.
More Blocks That Matter Walkthroughs
This Blocks That Matter walkthrough is divided into 39 total pages.