We get a lot of requests for help every day. As you can probably imagine, dealing with customer networks at a distance can be a challenge. Networkings are hard to visualize and understand.
These tools help give us the views into your network or router that we need to figure out what is going on.

Our support team uses both a Message System to communicate with you and a Ticket Number to help us see very important diagnostic info on your network.

If you've been told to generate a ticket number, please follow these instructions.
Below is a brief summary of our different software tools that come with Network Utilities.
Router Detector

The first step in setting up a port forward on your network is to find your router. Run the Router Detector to see any routers you have on your network.
Routers will be listed by their internal ip address. If you have more than 2 routers, then the router closest to the Internet will be labeled Router #1 and the router closest to your computer will be listed as Router #2.
Static IP Address

Before you setup a port forward on any device you really should give it a Static IP Address. On Windows computers you can run our Static IP Address software to do this for you.
Many times a port forward will work just fine without a static IP address and then fail in the future when your computer or device gets a new internal IP address. A static IP address helps keep your port forward working through device reboots.

PFConfig is our premiere application that automates the process of logging in to your router, forwarding a port, and saving the settings.
You can also use PFConfig to clear the port forwards out of your router when you are done in order to increase security on your network.
Port Checker

After following all of the steps above run our Port Checker to see if your port was forwarded to your computer correctly. Our Port Checker is the only online checker that guarantees no false positives. Most online port checkers only look for an open hole on your network; we look for the correct data to actually make in.
Find Password

If you've forgotten the password to your router then the Find Password tool can help you get logged back in. It uses a guess and check method to figure out your router's username and password.