SteamWorld Headhunter is a Third-Person, Action, and Adventure game published by Thunderful Games with a currently unknown release date.

SteamWorld Headhunter offers the following genres of gameplay.
- Third person games have the game camera behind the players shoulder. You generally see the main characters back, shoulders, and head. Popular games that are in the 3rd person are Tomb Raider, Assassins Creed, and Gears of War.
- Games that are considered action are all about centering the player in the middle of an evolving situation.
- Adventure games are very heavily story driven. You are usually the main character and are the one who discovers the true plot as the game progresses.
Forward Ports for SteamWorld Headhunter
We need at least one user to submit ports for SteamWorld Headhunter. To find the required incoming ports that SteamWorld Headhunter needs to forward you can run our software. To submit suggested ports to our site please follow the steps below:
- Download our free software Port Forward Network Utilities and install it.
- After installing it launch Network Utilities and click Port Finder.
- The Port Finder will help you locate the game that you are interested in playing. Follow its instructions closely.
- Someone at Port Forward will look at the port data and add it to our site as soon as possible.
Ports Required for SteamWorld Headhunter
Usually a game will only open up the port in "listen mode" when it's needed. This means you'll have to put your game into some sort of multiplayer mode in order for us to detect the ports that need to be forwarded in your router properly. We'll watch the game running and look for which ports it opens up to see which ports might need to be forwarded.
The vast majority of games will open the same port in "listen mode" every time, as opposed to a random numbered port. Once we know which ports the game listens on then we know exactly which ports to forward in your router.
Some games will listen on a huge range of ports which can be very hard to detect. By having many different people run the Port Finder for the same game multiple times we can figure out the entire range of ports that are needed for that particular game. Everybody who runs the Port Finder helps add to the database.
What Port Finder Does
This is a brief rundown of all the things that Port Finder will do:
- Look at which ports SteamWorld Headhunter has open in "listen" mode. These are the required incoming ports for SteamWorld Headhunter.
- Watch which ports open and close as you run the game and try to join a multiplayer match.
- Upload those ports to our servers so that we can combine them with other uploads and share them.
Our servers will collect all of the necessary ports used by multiple users and intelligently combine them into a single list of ports required. Then we will use this list to help other people know what to forward.
We will list any new ports found for SteamWorld Headhunter on this page as soon as we know them.