Age of Mythology: Retold is a Real-Time and Strategy game published by Xbox Game Studios with a currently unknown release date.

Age of Mythology: Retold has the following genres of gameplay.
- In a real time strategy game multiple players are fighting for control of a battlefield, usually in a top down view. RTS games can also be in a 3rd person or isometric viewpoint. They tend to involve time and resource management as well as troop and building construction.
- While playing a strategy game the player is focused on long term planning. They can be either real-time which involves a free running clock or turn-based where each player gets to take their turn in sequence. They frequently include exploration and resource management.
How to Port Forward Age of Mythology: Retold
The ports that need to be forwarded for Age of Mythology: Retold are not currently in our database. You can help us find the incoming ports for Age of Mythology: Retold by running our software. Here are the steps you should take to get the ports that need to be forwarded in your router for Age of Mythology: Retold in our database:
- Start by downloading Port Forward Network Utilities for free.
- Launch Network Utilities, and then click the Port Finder button. Port Finder is free to use.
- The Port Finder will help you find the game that you are interested in playing. Follow its instructions closely.
- The ports that need to be forwarded will be added to our site as soon as a site admin reviews them.
Ports Required for Age of Mythology: Retold
Most applications will open up a port in "listen mode" only while the game is in a multiplayer mode. You'll want to leave the Port Finder application running for a while so that it can collect a list of all of the connection ports needed.
The vast majority of games will open the same port in "listen mode" every time, as opposed to a random numbered port. Once we know which ports the game listens on then we know exactly which ports to forward in your router.
Some games will listen on a incredibly large range of ports which can be very hard to detect. By having many different people run the Port Finder for the same game multiple times we can figure out the entire range of ports that are needed for that particular game. Everybody who runs the Port Finder helps out quite a bit.
How To find Ports for Age of Mythology: Retold
This is a brief rundown of all the things that Port Finder will do:
- Look at which ports Age of Mythology: Retold has open in "listen" mode. These are the required incoming ports for Age of Mythology: Retold.
- Watch which ports open and close as you run the game and try to join a multiplayer match.
- Package up the ports that need to be forwarded in your router in a neat little package and send it to our server for sharing.
Our servers will collect all of the incoming ports that need to be forwarded used by multiple users and intelligently combine them into a single list of ports required. Then we will use this list to help other people know what to forward.
As soon as we locate the specific incoming ports for Age of Mythology: Retold we will list them on this page.