Assassins Creed III Walkthrough Sequence 7 - Lexington and Concord

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Assassins Creed III walkthrough is divided into 48 total pages.

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Sequence 7 - Lexington and Concord

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Jump on the nearest horse you can find and then ride toward the marked area on your map as you need to get there before the time runs out.

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In one of the villages you will receive the additional task of protecting the citizen's.

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Jump off your horse and take out the gaurds as quickly as you can. Use counters and your gun as much as possible as to end the fight quickly.

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Once you reach your target you will need to command a group of soldiers to shoot the british. Your task is to kill 130 soldiers. Move between the three groups of Patriots.

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Once you have done that the mission will end.

More Assassins Creed III Walkthroughs

This Assassins Creed III walkthrough is divided into 48 total pages.

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