This Assassins Creed walkthrough is divided into 8 total pages.
You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.
Memory Block 5
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0194](assassins-creed-0194-small.webp)
You will awake from your session in the Animus. Chat with Lucy for a bit.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0195](assassins-creed-0195-small.webp)
Head back to your room, but don't go to bed. Use your access code to exit your room.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0196](assassins-creed-0196-small.webp)
You can take Lucy's access pen.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0197](assassins-creed-0197-small.webp)
You can use the pen to check out her email now and later in the game.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0198](assassins-creed-0198-small.webp)
Go to bed when you are done.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0199](assassins-creed-0199-small.webp)
When you awaken, enter the Animus.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0200](assassins-creed-0200-small.webp)
You will tell Al Mualim of your success.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0201](assassins-creed-0201-small.webp)
He will promote you to Rank 7. This will give you the Defense Break ability.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0202](assassins-creed-0202-small.webp)
Head to Acre once again. This time go to the Middle District. Find a view point to climb.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0203](assassins-creed-0203-small.webp)
Climb up and synchronize to reveal the remaining view points, and nearby objectives.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0204](assassins-creed-0204-small.webp)
You can optionally save citizens. This will give you support in the city and increase your health.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0205](assassins-creed-0205-small.webp)
Complete at least three investigation objectives. Your choices are two pickpocket missions, two assassination informers, one interrogation, and one eavesdropping mission.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0206](assassins-creed-0206-small.webp)
Climb additional view point as needed to reveal objectives.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0207](assassins-creed-0207-small.webp)
Head to the Assassins' Bureau.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0208](assassins-creed-0208-small.webp)
Get the feather from the Bureau leader.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0209](assassins-creed-0209-small.webp)
Head for your target, Sibrand. If you see the target from above, it'll force you to walk down to the cut scene before it proceeds.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0210](assassins-creed-0210-small.webp)
Sibrand will be upset with a monk for dressing as you do. He'll kill the man and then head for his boat. Head to his boat, the easiest path probably being on the right wall, which leads right to his boat.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0211](assassins-creed-0211-small.webp)
Chase Sibrand down and use your assassin's blade on him. If you take too long, he'll make it to a Guard Tower and it'll be harder to get to him.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0212](assassins-creed-0212-small.webp)
Return to the Bureau and show the feather.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0213](assassins-creed-0213-small.webp)
You'll return to Al Mualim.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0214](assassins-creed-0214-small.webp)
He will promote you to Rank 8, giving you Short Blade Expertise (more damage.)
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0215](assassins-creed-0215-small.webp)
Now head back to Damascus. This time enter the Middle District. You'll see many view points in the distance.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0216](assassins-creed-0216-small.webp)
Climb the closest view point and synchronize. This will reveal the locations of all view points, plus nearby objectives.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0217](assassins-creed-0217-small.webp)
You can optionally save citizens to give you support in the town and health.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0218](assassins-creed-0218-small.webp)
Complete at least three investigation objectives. Your choices will be two assassination informers, two pickpocket missions, one eavesdropping and one interrogation mission.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0219](assassins-creed-0219-small.webp)
Climb additional view points to reveal more objectives, if needed.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0220](assassins-creed-0220-small.webp)
When you've completed at least three objectives, head back to the Assassins' Bureau.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0221](assassins-creed-0221-small.webp)
Get the feather from the Bureau leader.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0222](assassins-creed-0222-small.webp)
Head to the assassination target, Jubair.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0223](assassins-creed-0223-small.webp)
You'll find him and his students burning books. A man will be arguing about the books being burnt and Jubair will kill him.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0224](assassins-creed-0224-small.webp)
You will now have six assassination targets on your map.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0225](assassins-creed-0225-small.webp)
Head toward a target. You can tell if this is the real Jubair by using your Eagle Vision. He will appear in gold and his students in red. You do not have to kill his students if you don't want to.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0226](assassins-creed-0226-small.webp)
Sneak up to a target and use your assassin's blade to dispatch them.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0227](assassins-creed-0227-small.webp)
If you kill the correct target, you'll have a cut scene with Jubair.
![Assassins Creed Walkthrough - Assassins Creed 0228](assassins-creed-0228-small.webp)
Tell the Bureau of your successful mission.
More Assassins Creed Walkthroughs
This Assassins Creed walkthrough is divided into 8 total pages.