Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough Bury the Hatchet

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This Grand Theft Auto V walkthrough is divided into 83 total pages.

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Bury the Hatchet

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 503
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 503

If you choose Michael to trigger this mission, watch the opening cutscene and then get into a vehicle.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 504
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 504

Drive over to the waypoint at LS Airport to trigger another cutscene, and then take the long drive to the cemetery at North Yankton.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 505
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 505

When you arrive at the church, traverse to the back of the cemetery to find Trevor doing some dirty work.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 506
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 506

After the convo ends, a battle with Triads triggers.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 507

If you chose Trevor for this mission, watch the opening cutscene and then get into Mike's car.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 508
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 508

Drive over to the waypoint at the Sandy Shores airfield and then take the plane and fly to North Yankton.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 509

"After reaching the waypoint in the sky, a different cutscene with Trevor is triggered showing him digging Michael's grave when he arrives at North Yankton. From there, the cutscene with Michael is the same followed by a Triad battle.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 510

Before things go any further south between you and Trevor, the Chinese gang after Trevor appears. Take immediate cover.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 511

Three men will come up the stairs on the left in this picture. Kill them all, and rush down and grab the Assault Rifle one of them is carrying.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 512

Keep rushing forward and take cover behind this large stone.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 513
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 513

Clear out the fellows circling around to your right then play peek-and-shoot with the guys in front of you.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 514

Advance slowly around the left side of the church, keeping to cover and watching for flanking movements on the left.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 515

Don't try making a run for it, just advance meticulously, shooting baddies from cover.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 516
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 516

Make the run to your vehicle and then get inside to trigger a cutscene.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 517

After the cutscene with Michael, the perspective switches to Trevor as he flies the plane back to Sandy Shores.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 518

Listen in on the phone call he gets and then safely land the plane at the airfield (don't forget to put down the landing gear) to complete the mission.

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This Grand Theft Auto V walkthrough is divided into 83 total pages.

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