This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.
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City Gate City of Light Healed

Walk in to the stream of light and heal the fertile ground by pressing triangle repeatedly.

You will get a bit of a cut scene here, but the fertile ground will be healed.

Once the fertile ground is healed, walk around the platform gathering all the light seeds there.

Drop over the edge of this platform. There are a couple light seeds that are on the side.

Jump to the nearby slide. Then jump off of it and to the next platform.

Run up the wall to collect the light seed that is there.
Then run up to the vines on the other wall.

Climb up the vines to the top of the wall. Then wall run to the left to the next set of vines.

Wall run to the left, and jump out to the nearby column.

You will see that there are two light seeds on the wall nearby.
Jump over to them, and then jump back to the column.

Climb to the top of this column. You've got two columns to ceiling run to. Go ahead and do so.

Ceiling run to the edge of the ceiling. You will drop off and land on a platform.

Jump down to the next platform to collect the light seed there. Then jump back to the platform you were previously on.

Jump over to the wooden slide, and then jump off of it to the next platform.

Collect the light seeds up here. There is a light seed on the wall over a gap. Jump over the gap to the wall.

You will run straight up it, and get the light seed.
Then jump back to the platform you were on.

Jump over to the nearby slide. When you reach the end of it, jump over to the next platform.

Wall run out to the group of vines.
Then wall run from that group of vines to the next bunch of vines.

Look up, you will see two light seeds there.
Run up and then slide back down to the group of vines you were just on.

Wall run to the left. At the end of your wall run jump over to the slide.

At the end of the slide, jump to a group of vines hanging on the wall.

Move to the left on the vines, and then wall run. At the end of your wall run jump to the nearby slide.

Jump off at the end of the slide. You will have to fight one of the shadows here.

Finish him off like you did the previous ones.

You've got a series of two slides here. Jump from one to the other.
Then jump from the last one to the wall. You will wall run over to a bunch of vines hanging there.

Climb along the vines. Then wall run across to the next set of vines.

Wall run to the left. Jump off of the wall to the next slide. Then jump from the slide to the next platform.

Jump from this platform to the next one.

Jump to the wooden slide, and then to the next platform.

Jump to this long side, and then to the platform after that.

Climb up the vines that are above you, and then on to the platform above those.

Wall run over to the next group of vines, and then from those vines to the next platform.

Jump over to the next column, and then from that column to the next platform.

Jump over to the column, and then from that column to the next one.

Slide down to the level of the light seed on the wall. Jump over to it, and then back to the column.

Jump over to the next platform, and then to the place you healed the sacred ground.

We've already gone through this area once, so I'm going to be brief here.
Jump over to the slide in the picture above. Then move through the vines there.
Jump over to the column after that.

Ceiling run past these columns to the next platform.

Jump from this platform to the wooden slide, and then from that slide to the next platform.

Jump over to the first slide of the series. Then jump to the second, and then to the platform after that.

Look for light seeds on the platform you are on. Then jump to the slide going the other way. Jump from the first slide to the second slide.

Then back to the platform we were previously on.

Jump back to the set of slides we were just on to get to the next platform.

Wall run out to the ring, and then press circle. You will wall run to some hand holds.

Move across the hand holds. Jump up to the other set of hand holds and go to the end of them.

Wall run to the right, and then jump to the next platform.

There are two slides here. You will have to double jump between them.

So double jump to the first one. Then slide. Then double jump to the second one.
Then slide. Then double jump to the next platform.
When you've got the Hand of Ormazd power come back to this section.

Jump across the gap to the slide, and then to the next platform.

Cross the two sets of vines to the third and last bunch of vines.

Wall run out and then jump to the nearby column.

Ceiling run twice to the next two columns. Then ceiling run one more time. You will end up on the next platform.

Jump to the slide and then to the next platform.

Jump to the slide and then to the next platform.

Crawl up to the vines, and then wall run out to the blue plate.

You will fly through the air, and then bounce off of another blue plate.

You will land on the next platform. Collect all the light seeds up here. Then slide down the wall collecting more light seeds as you go.
More Prince of Persia Walkthroughs
This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.