This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.
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The Cauldron The Vale Healed

Repeatedly press triangle to walk in to the glowing stream, and heal the fertile ground.

Pick up the light seeds scattered around the area that you are at.

Double jump across to the vines that are on the tower in the center of this area.

Slide down the vines and the wall, picking up light seeds as you go.
There is a platform all the way at the bottom of this tower.

Jump over to the next platform.

Jump again to the next platform.

You are going to have some hand holds between series of wall runs here. It seems to go on forever. The first series is wall run, hand holds, wall run, hand holds, and then jump. It's pretty easy.

When you land, you will do another wall run, and catch a set of hand holds.
From here it will be hand holds, wall run, hand holds, wall run, jump, wall run.

Then you'll catch a set of vines.

Crawl up the vines and on to the this platform. Here you will fight a shadow creature.

He's pretty easy to finish off.

The section that we are in is an entry way to another area. We don't want to go there just yet. Let's finish collecting as many light seeds as possible in the area we are in.
Walk over to the edge, and wall run out to the hand holds.
Walk the hand holds over and then down.

Slide down to the next set of hand holds.

Wall run and jump at the end of it.

Directly behind you is a hidden area with two light seeds in it.

Double jump back to it. Then jump back to the set of hand holds that you jumped from.

Wall run to the next set of hand holds.

Wall run one more time, and jump at the end of it.
You should now be back in the main area with 53 light seeds.

Jump out to the next platform.

Wall run to the vines.

Look up, you will see a light seed above you. Wall run up to it, and then fall back to the vines.

Wall run jump over to the next platform.

Jump over to the wall, and then wall run to the next set of vines.

Go straight up here, and you will climb on top of a platform. Collect the light seed up here. Then drop back down to the vines you just came from.

Now wall run jump over to the next platform.

Jump over to the wooden wall. You will grab the vines. Crawl up them to the top of the platform.

Walk across the beam to the next platform.

Jump in to the slippery half pipe, and ride it to its end. Jump to the next platform.

There is a wall of vines here. Climb them to the top of the next platform.

Jump from the wooden beam to the next wooden beam.

Climb the vines to the top of the next platform.

You've got another slippery half pipe to ride.

Grab the vines at the end of the slide, and drop down to the floor.

Walk around this area. There is another light seed you can grab by wall running up one of the walls.

Go back to the vines you used to reach this area, and climb up them to the next platform.

Jump to the beam, and then to the next platform.

Jump out to the column. Look out towards the tower in the center.

There is another column out there. Double jump to it.

Then jump to the platform and collect the light seeds.

Now jump back to the column you just left.

Double jump back to the column across the way.

Ceiling run to the next column, and then to the ring at the end.

Press circle when you get to the ring. Doing that will flip you on to the platform above.

Jump across to the platform sticking off of the tower in the center of this area.
Then jump to the next platform.

Double jump to the next platform.

Wall run up to the wooden beam, and then jump to the nearby platform.

Jump to the long side.

At the end of it wall run to the place you healed this area.

Double jump across to the vines on the side of the tower.

Slide down them to the platform at the bottom.

Jump across to the nearby platform.

Jump and then wall run to the vines hanging off of the tower in the center.

Wall run and then jump to the platform that is the entrance to this area. There are some light seeds we need to collect out here.

Let's start out by going to the right. Jump over to the nearby platform.

There is a light seed hanging on the wall here. Jump over to it.
You will wall run up the wall a bit, then jump back to the platform you were previously standing on.

Jump over to the wall run spot to get to the next set of vines.

Slide down to the platform below.

We are going to do a series of movements here. Wall run, grab the vines, wall run to the next set of vines, then wall run jump to the next platform.

Another series here. Wall run, vines, wall run jump to the next platform.

Another series. Wall run, hand holds, wall run, hand holds, wall run jump to the next platform.

Look over the edge here. There are some hand holds and a light seed there.
Slide down and get them. Then come back up to the top of the platform.

Last series this way. Wall run, hand holds, wall run jump.

You will see some vines on a wall here, with a light seed close to the top of them. Jump up and get it.

Okay, now turn around. We are going to go back the way we came.
I'm not going to go through the steps again, but just go back to the last fork in the tunnel.

You should be back to this point.

Jump across the platforms, and then wall run to the vines.

Move to the left, and the drop off of the vines to the platform below.

Wall run to the first ring. Then press circle.
You will wall run to the second ring. Press circle again.
Then you will wall run jump to the next platform.

Look back the way you came. There is another light seed out there. Wall run out to it. Elika will save you when you fall.

Drop down to the lower platform.

We've got a series of movements here.
Wall run, vines, wall run, vines, wall run jump to the next platform.

Wall run to the vines. Then wall run jump to the next platform.

There's one last light seed on this platform. Walk over and pick it up.
Come back here when you have Elika's first green power.

Double jump out to the vines.
Then slide all the way down to the platform at the bottom of this tower.

Jump over to this platform.

Wall run to the vines. Then wall run from the vines to the next platform.

Jump over to the vines and climb up them.

Walk across the beam.

Look over the edge of this platform. You will see some vines down one of the sides.

Slide down to them. Crawl to the bottom of them.

Slide down to the beam at the bottom.

Jump over to the green shield on the wall. Then press triangle.

Press triangle at the next shield. Do not hit any of the metal bars.

Press triangle at the last plate.

Collect all of the light seeds in this area. You should now have 45/45 light seeds in this area.
More Prince of Persia Walkthroughs
This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.