This Scribblenauts walkthrough is divided into 28 total pages.
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Lost Kingdom of Parentheses
If you go down on the left there is a golden chest, pick it up and hand it to this guy.
For the golden one go to the right, but you will have to kill a monster. Where you find the golden chest there is a stone pull it with a chain and inside u will find a rubby for the red pillar. For the silver pillar u can find a diamond near Cthulhu.
Create a clock for Cthulhu.
Add the adjective small to the submarine.
Give the wings to the alien.
Give a trident to Poseidon. Give a diploma to the ghost.
Put a bottle on the lobster.
Give phone to the mermaid.
Spawn a minotaur for the scientist.
Give plutonium to the woman.
Put metal in the cage.
Put goggles and a robe on Maxwell.
Add adjective insane to Maxwell.
Destroy the plug.
Give a bearry to the troll.
Give salt to the troll.
Give a pepper to the troll.
More Scribblenauts Walkthroughs
This Scribblenauts walkthrough is divided into 28 total pages.