SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough Mines - Cave One (Again)

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This SteamWorld Dig walkthrough is divided into 21 total pages.

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Mines - Cave One (Again)

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 287
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 287

Head to the far left hand side.

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 288
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 288

Wall jump up, and use the platforms to cross over to the right ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 289
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 289

Steam jump ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 290
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 290

... then Static Dash to get to higher ground ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 291
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 291

... and enter the door.

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 292
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 292

Head right, taking out the turtle and finding the secret area shown ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 293
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 293

... then Steam jump ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 294
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 294

... Static Dash again ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 295
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 295

... then quickly repeat to avoid the activating lasers.

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 296
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 296

Head into the small room on the left, killing the worms and destroying the laser ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 297
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 297

... then find the secret area. Steam jump into the block next to the magnet to give yourself a platform to move up to.

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 298
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 298

Enter the next area to destroy the next generator ...

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 299
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 299

... drill the block, allowing the magnets to move and providing another platform to drill the generator.

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 300
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 300

Then leave the caves, and head down toward Old World (again).

SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 301
SteamWorld Dig Walkthrough - SteamWorld Dig 301

Keep going down a previously dug route until you reach Cave Three.

More SteamWorld Dig Walkthroughs

This SteamWorld Dig walkthrough is divided into 21 total pages.

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