This Toki Tori walkthrough is divided into 78 total pages.
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Bubble Barrage - Hard 1

This is Bubble Barrage, Hard 1. You have 9 eggs to collect. The items available are 2 Bridges, 6 Telewarps, 1 Freeze-O-Matic, and 5 initial Bubble Suit moves.

Telewarp to your left.

Grab egg #1.

Drop to the left when the fish is moving away.

Use three Bubble Suit moves to get on the ledge to your left.

Use two Bubble Suit moves to get over the spike pit to your left.

Drop down the short ledge after the ladder. Build a Bridge leftward.

Use the Bubble Suit to get back under the ladder.

Then use two moves with the Bubble Suit to get over the spike pit on your right.

Use the Freeze-O-Matic to freeze the fish.

Use a Transwarp to get past the frozen fish.

Grab egg #2 to your right.

Drop down the gap to your right, then drop onto egg #3 on your left.

Use three moves with the Bubble Suit to get out of the pit.

Build a Bridge over the left pit.

Get on the bridge and Telewarp leftward.

Then Telewarp leftward again.

Grab egg #4 on your left.

The climb the ladder and grab egg #5.

Use the Bubble Suit to get as far left as you can.

You should drop onto the larger bubble source below.

Use the Bubble Suit to get on the bridge above.

Then use the Bubble Suit to get under the ladder to your right.

Climb up the ladder and grab egg #6 when the fish is heading left. Go back down the ladder and wait for the fish to pass overhead.

Then go back up and grab egg #7.

Head to the right and use two Bubble Suit moves to get past the gap.

Telewarp through the wall on your right.

Drop down the step and head to the right. Use three Bubble Suit moves to get up the ledge on the right.

Grab egg #8.

Telewarp down through the middle of the floor. Drop down the gap you see below.

Drop down in the right pit, picking up egg #9.
More Toki Tori Walkthroughs
This Toki Tori walkthrough is divided into 78 total pages.