This Toki Tori walkthrough is divided into 78 total pages.
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Slimy Sewers - Hard 6
This is Slimy Sewers, Hard 6. You have 2 eggs to collect. The items available to you are 2 Instant Rocks, 2 Telewarps, and 1 Bridge.
Drop off to the right.
Drop an Instant Rock down the small step to your right.
Grab egg #1 on your right.
Build a Bridge over the rock.
Drop an Instant Rock halfway on the bridge and halfway on thin-air.
Telewarp left of the rock.
Get under the rock and Telewarp on top of it.
Grab egg #2 to your right. That's it!
More Toki Tori Walkthroughs
This Toki Tori walkthrough is divided into 78 total pages.