This Toki Tori walkthrough is divided into 78 total pages.
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Forest Falls - Hard 6
This is Forest Falls, Hard 6. You have 9 eggs to collect. The items available to you are 1 Telewarp, 1 Bridge, and unlimited Freeze-O-Matics.
Grab egg #1 to your right.
Go up the ladder on your left, then walk rightward.
Go down the three ladders on your right, then drop onto egg #2 to the left of you.
Go to the ladder on your left. Go up it when the porcupine passes to the right.
Drop off the left ledge onto egg #3.
Go a few steps up the ladder again and let the porcupine pass under you.
Follow the porcupine over to the right and shoot it with the Freeze-O-Matic as it steps into the hole in the bridge. The ice cube should fall down the hole.
Go up the ladder on your left. Stand under the ladder above you and Telewarp up to it when the porcupine is over to the right.
Grab egg #4 and drop to the right.
Go down the ladder on your left.
Then use the ladder to let the porcupine go under you.
Use the Freeze-O-Matic on the porcupine when it steps into the hole.
Climb up the ladders on your left, grabbing egg #5 when the porcupine is away.
Drop down the right gap.
Step to the left, letting the porcupine fall where you did.
Shoot the porcupine with the Freze-O-Matic when it walks into the hole.
Climb up the ladders on the left, grabbing egg #6 when the porcupine is to the right.
Drop down the right gap as you did before.
Take a few steps left to let the porcupine fall, then shoot it with the Freeze-O-Matic when it gets to the hole in the bridge.
Climb up the ladders, this time taking the far-left ladder to get to the very top of the level.
Climb down the right ladders. Partway down the third ladder build a Bridge to the left. Use it to grab egg #7.
Drop to the right of the ladders and grab egg #8.
Drop onto the ice cubes and grab egg #9.
More Toki Tori Walkthroughs
This Toki Tori walkthrough is divided into 78 total pages.