This War of the Roses walkthrough is divided into 1 total pages.
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War of the Roses
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 0](war-of-the-roses-0-small.webp)
Welcome to Portforward's War of the Roses guide. As this game is exclusively multiplayer, I will be going through those aspects along with the game basics & profile editorial.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 1](war-of-the-roses-1-small.webp)
Go to the profile editor and familiarize yourself with the different pre-set loadouts as they are the only one you'll be able to play at the moment.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 2](war-of-the-roses-2-small.webp)
All different loadouts have their up's and down's so inspecting their traits at the bottom right is usually worth it before making any serious choice.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 3](war-of-the-roses-3-small.webp)
Eventually, you'll be able to unlock "Custom" loadouts which will enable you to fully customize a character.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 4](war-of-the-roses-4-small.webp)
For now, click "Multiplayer" and pick a server with players in it then connect.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 5](war-of-the-roses-5-small.webp)
You'll be greeted by a choice to either choose Lancaster or York. These are your run-of-the-mill red and blue warring factions.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 6](war-of-the-roses-6-small.webp)
For this guide, we'll be playing the Footman. Quick on his feet bearing a shield and a very pointy sword which easily causes bleeding while penetrating armor, The footman Is one of the most versatile basic loadouts.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 7](war-of-the-roses-7-small.webp)
Once you have chosen a loadout, go pick a squad and click "Spawn".
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 8](war-of-the-roses-8-small.webp)
You will be thrown into a very large, (presumably) open world enviroment with It's weather, buildings, obstacles and dangers.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 9](war-of-the-roses-9-small.webp)
Looking around, you should often see both teammates and enemies duking it out. In this case, this enemy (orange name) has just killed my ally (teal name) and Is coming for me next.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 10](war-of-the-roses-10-small.webp)
The method of attacking in this game is very different. You press down and hold (M1), then drag your mouse to a side in which you wish for your weapon to swing from.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 11](war-of-the-roses-11-small.webp)
It is critical to make the right swinging choices as to not only actually hit the enemies but to avoid damaging your allies as well.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 12](war-of-the-roses-12-small.webp)
Once an enemy has lost enough health, he will be incapacitated onto the ground. When this happens, press and hold (E) to perform an execution.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 13](war-of-the-roses-13-small.webp)
As the name suggest, It's a gruesome finishing blow that has to be made every time If enemies are not incapacitated through head/neck injury, such as headshots or decapacitation.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 14](war-of-the-roses-14-small.webp)
Successfully executing the enemy will yield not only experience to unlock new armor and weapons but also coins to buy them with.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 15](war-of-the-roses-15-small.webp)
When unsure on where to go, simply follow your allies as some of the maps in War of the Roses can be daringly large.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 16](war-of-the-roses-16-small.webp)
Covering your teammates back is also very vital, as If they are incapacitated, you can save their lives by interrupting the execution and healing them afterwards.
So keep in mind that executing someone makes you insanely vulnerable.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 17](war-of-the-roses-17-small.webp)
As seen on this enemy here, I came up behind him, charged my weapons downwards with my mouse and scored a critical stab into his back, making him bleed profusely.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 18](war-of-the-roses-18-small.webp)
When I interrupted the enemy, my teammate got the chance to "Surrender", effectively causing a respawn to occur and rendering himself immune to being executed, giving the enemy less points and also denying them XP & coins.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 19](war-of-the-roses-19-small.webp)
Eventually, the enemy started to get the better of me due to having a huge ranged axe against my flimsy stabbing sword so I started to back off.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 20](war-of-the-roses-20-small.webp)
Learning on just how to rotate your character during swings, block enemy strikes and keeping your distance is vital to survival. As can be seen on the dirt at my screen, I have been bloodied.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 21](war-of-the-roses-21-small.webp)
Having a neat distance and punishing my foe as he tried to rush the battle against my constant blocking resulted in a victory as..
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 22](war-of-the-roses-22-small.webp)
He eventually tried to run away In order to have time to bandage himself to stop the previous bleeding but ended up being knocked out.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 23](war-of-the-roses-23-small.webp)
Which gave me an essential free-kill because he didn't pay attention when executing someone.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 24](war-of-the-roses-24-small.webp)
After the battle, I took the time and bandaged myself by holding down (B). This not only stops any ongoing bleeding but also heals you fully after a period of 6 seconds, depending on how good of a bandager you are with traits.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 25](war-of-the-roses-25-small.webp)
Another very important aspect of this game is blocking. As my opponents massive repeated axe-hits against my shield got too much, It broke and I was only left with my flimsy sword while being thrown into a 1v2 fight.
You block in the same manner as you hit, but with (M2). The opponents strikes will often appear as a big cone of red. Blocking in that same direction by holding down (M2) and dragging the mouse to the left will result in a successful parry. It will however, take of your weapons durability heavily.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 26](war-of-the-roses-26-small.webp)
Simply legging it and running away is one of your most viable options as a new player.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 27](war-of-the-roses-27-small.webp)
One of the most valuable running or initiation skills you can have is the "Dash" skill. You press (F) to very violently and suddenly run forward for a few feet to either close distance, avoid opponents or bash them to the ground If a shield is present.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 28](war-of-the-roses-28-small.webp)
As a footman, you also have a buffing ability, raising defense and healing If you press (X) and (Z), respectively. It should be used around teammates but In a pinch, you can use them to escape.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 29](war-of-the-roses-29-small.webp)
Movement in this game has a rough cooldown of 3-10 seconds whereas your character will go from a sudden running pace If you hold down (W) long enough. It is vital to trigger this as soon as possible when running.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 30](war-of-the-roses-30-small.webp)
When running, the only real way to fully get your enemies off your back is to run close to an ally or two.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 31](war-of-the-roses-31-small.webp)
Letting them duke It out while you bandage yourself is often a solid strategy, although some enemies will still try to suicide-run past any allies in order to get you.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 32](war-of-the-roses-32-small.webp)
When done bandaging yourself, you can either swap out with your ally and let him bandage as you take over fighting or simply stab the enemy in the back with a thrusting attack here, yet again, causing a critical hit and major bleeding.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 33](war-of-the-roses-33-small.webp)
Eventually, If something breaks, like my shield previously, stay alive long enough and you will eventually get a new one. Re-equip it back onto your hand by pressing (4).
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 34](war-of-the-roses-34-small.webp)
And after even tiny fights, always make sure to bandage up as It can be the difference between getting your head chopped off..
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 35](war-of-the-roses-35-small.webp)
And getting huge kill-streaks.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 36](war-of-the-roses-36-small.webp)
Another Important feature in this game is the (V) button. It'-s a shortcut to "toggle" your helmet's visor or facial guard on and off, worsening your vision in favor of some more protection. It is worth having on when you put yourself in risky spots such as running up to an archer or facing someone with a fast and long cutting weapon to prevent instant kills.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 37](war-of-the-roses-37-small.webp)
Eventually, the game will end. You can see the objectives on the middle bottom of the screen along with how much time you have left. In this case, we scored 4 more kills than the enemy..
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 38](war-of-the-roses-38-small.webp)
And won as a result, scoring a huge 5000+ cash bonus.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 39](war-of-the-roses-39-small.webp)
The game will give you a battle-report after every match, letting you know what you did right and what ou did wrong. In my case, I accidentally hit my ally once and the game deducted 4 golds from me as a punishment.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 40](war-of-the-roses-40-small.webp)
Moving onto the profile editor, once you have a custom slot open, you can start right away to spend your hard-earned gold on buying various items and features.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 41](war-of-the-roses-41-small.webp)
These range from certain Perks, such as getting through enemy shields easier..
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 42](war-of-the-roses-42-small.webp)
To capturing control points faster..
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 43](war-of-the-roses-43-small.webp)
Or being able to carry heavier armor without as much movement penalities.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 44](war-of-the-roses-44-small.webp)
There are also very wide varieties of weapons to use, including Handgonnes.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 45](war-of-the-roses-45-small.webp)
These weapons are very, very clumsy on the battlefield and are not only insanely limited in range but also take ages to reload. The only thing they can currently be used for is a medium to close range opener to hopefully do massive damage on someone and cause bleeding through heavy armor/shields.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 46](war-of-the-roses-46-small.webp)
Other than that, you have all your other medieval weapons ranging from lances..
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 47](war-of-the-roses-47-small.webp)
To axed poles..
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 48](war-of-the-roses-48-small.webp)
To huge execution axes.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 49](war-of-the-roses-49-small.webp)
The armor category also boasts a rather large selection with sets of armor.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 50](war-of-the-roses-50-small.webp)
With customization options for your in-game voice and facial appearance.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 51](war-of-the-roses-51-small.webp)
Accompaning sets of armor are also Helmets. In the same category as armors, they come in light, medium and heavy sizes.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 52](war-of-the-roses-52-small.webp)
Light and medium armor usually only accompanies things such as mailed coils, kettlehats and even just leather caps.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 53](war-of-the-roses-53-small.webp)
Heavy helmets are usually a very good thing to have if you are not the quickest one on your feet due to their invaluable addon capabilities of having neck protection.
These features adds some very much needed armor against attacks whom aim to chop your head off while also giving you the opportunity to have a visor.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 54](war-of-the-roses-54-small.webp)
They can also be bought with a variety of colors for customization purposes.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 55](war-of-the-roses-55-small.webp)
And be wary when creating a build in your mind that certain perks are requirements to wield certain things, such as shields and riding horses.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 56](war-of-the-roses-56-small.webp)
Once a custom spec has been built, It will appear under the standard ones. I decided to name mine "Viking" due to the axe-theme.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 57](war-of-the-roses-57-small.webp)
If you don't have enough time on your hands, you can also purchase in-game currency for real money. They are usually very generous amounts, allowing you to buy almost anything you want for about 8-9â¬.
![War of the Roses Walkthrough - War of-the-Roses 58](war-of-the-roses-58-small.webp)
But that concludes It for our War of the Roses tutorial! Best of luck to you and remember: Practice makes Perfect!
More War of the Roses Walkthroughs
This War of the Roses walkthrough is divided into 1 total pages.