Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Walkthrough Mission 16 - Dust to Dust

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 3 minutes

This Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 walkthrough is divided into 16 total pages.

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Mission 16 - Dust to Dust

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Get out of the truck and kill all the enemies.

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Shoot the trucks to kill multiple enemies.

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Push forward and kill the rest of the enemies, watch out for civillians.

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Go up the escalator and kill the rest of the enemies.

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Push up to the checkpoint.

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Enter the lift.

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Shootdown the helicopter before it kills you.

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Jump to the other lift.

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Exit the lift and push up to the checkpoint killing all of the enemies, beware of the time.

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Continue pushing up and stop Makarov from escaping.

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pushing up and stop Makarov from escaping.

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pushing up and stop Makarov from escaping.

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Chase after Makarov killing the rest of his army.

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A helicopter is shooting rockets at the building.

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A helicopter just blew the building.

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Leave Yuri and continue moving on to the checkpoint.

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Chase Makarov and then run to his helicopter.

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Jump onto the helicopter.

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Take out the pilots and then crash the helicopter.

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Take down Makarov.

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Punch Makarov in the face several times.

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Tie a rope around his neck.

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Give Makarov one final push.

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Push Makarov Down and hang him.

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You have now completed Mission 16 and most importantly. Completed the game.

More Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Walkthroughs

This Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 walkthrough is divided into 16 total pages.

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