Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Crematory Oven

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 4 minutes

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Crematory Oven

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 753

When the level starts, don't stand around and fight the creepers, instead head towards the center room and start smashing as many coffins as you can to prevent the creepers from turning into coffin creepers.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 754

Quickly take care of the creepers, but make sure that you don't use your dark crystal here, you're gonna need it against the Gravedigger.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 755

After killing the creepers, the gate leading to the over will open. Heal up and fill your magic bars before proceeding.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 756

The Gravedigger has a lot of attacks, but only two of them are blockable. The first is his shovel attack, but I won't recommend trying to block it cause it's too much of a risk as he might use an unblockable attack and it will be too late for you to attack him.

The second is his tentacle attack, this one is easy to catch. Try to keep him looking towards the camera. You'll hear a click sound when he's gonna use this and his helmet will also open. Block it then counterattack.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 757

The Gravedigger has 3 unblockable attacks, the first is smash attack which you can jump to avoid. The second is a linear ground attack, roll to the side to avoid it and the third one is the shovel attack, which you can dodge to avoid as well.

He can also summon some creepers from the ground, attack him while he's summoning them to deal some damage.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 758

The whole battle will comprise of you mostly dodging his attacks and retaliating while he's recovering and blocking his tentacles.

When you manage to block his tentacles, activate shadow magic and attack him, then after 3-4 hits deactivate shadow magic, then roll away.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 759

After his HP is almost gone, the Gravedigger will kneel in front of the oven, completely dazed. Don't grapple him. Instead head to the right and you'll find a switch for the oven door. Open the door all the way and the Gravedigger will be back on his feet.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 760

This is where the dark crystal comes in. After he gets up and you successfully open the oven door, use the dark crystal and it will damage him enough to send him back to kneeling in front of the door.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 761

Now grapple onto him and start pressing the key that will appear on the screen and push him into the oven. You only have 1 shot at this, if you fail you're gonna have a hard time without the crystal.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 762

Don't let your guard down just yet, the Gravedigger will make one final attempt at killing you by trying to pull you down into the lava. Press any button at the right time to avoid this.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 763

You won't fall into the lava, but you will fall down the oven. Shimmy over to the right and climb up the platform. Then climb on the ledge and jump on the ledge at the right side.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 764

From there shimmy to the right and jump towards the ledge behind you and continue moving to the right of that ledge.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 765

Use your chain and climb up the wall, then shimmy over to the right side and use your chain again to get to the pillar beside the one you're climbing on.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 766

Make your way through the ledge and jump on the ledge right behind it, then climb up the platform and jump to the other side and use your chain to climb up the wall.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 767

Move a little to the left and make your way up to the platform, look to the left and you'll see another ledge. Make your way up to the highest platform via the ledge.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 768

Then use your chain and swing over to the pillar right in front of you and shimmy along the left side of the pillar and climb up near the spike on the left side.

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough - Castlevania Lords-of-Shadows 769

A chain point will start to glow, hook your chain on it and swing to the wall, then scale it all the way up to the top and climb on the last ledge.

More Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthroughs

This Castlevania: Lords of Shadows walkthrough is divided into 46 total pages.

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