This Double Dragon Neon walkthrough is divided into 13 total pages.
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Mission 1 - Main Street

It's time to save your girl!

If you're first time playing this game, pause the game, select "Help & Options" ...

Select "How To Play" ...

Now, read all of it . It'll be fun when you do multiple moves and understand the game mechanics. Gleam is also an important moves. So practice it. Other than that, focus on sosetsitsu/stance songs.

Then, just play the game like usual. Break anything that breakable for items/money/song. Money can be used to upgrade skills.

Keep going to the right and kill all the enemies. Practice your moves.

Williams - The most basic enemies you'll encounter. HP is about 200.

Linda - Sometimes comes with a weapon. Avoid being hit by gleam. HP is about 300.

Later, you'll find a keys that can be use to unlock the treasure box.

Abob - To beat this guy just move below than him and keep punching. HP is about 625.

Before the mission ends, there's a dragon ball in the middle. Hit it and it will bounce. Hit again to keep the ball bouncing and to drop more money.
More Double Dragon Neon Walkthroughs
This Double Dragon Neon walkthrough is divided into 13 total pages.