This Double Dragon Neon walkthrough is divided into 13 total pages.
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Mission 3 - Space Lain

Be prepared to meet 2 new enemies.

The secret shop is not far away from the starting point. Look out for this yellow banner. Hit the damaged cover. When it opens, enter the shop.

Hoverbizzle - One with sharp blades while another one with bomb. HP is about 100.

Ichisumi - Can teleport anywhere she wants. Equipped with hand fan. If you near her, she will do spin attack. Stay away from her line of sight then strikes her after she throws the fan. HP is about 150.

After you climb down from the ladder, hit the box at the left. Inside it a key. Take the key to the nearby treasure box.

At the end, hit the dragon ball!
More Double Dragon Neon Walkthroughs
This Double Dragon Neon walkthrough is divided into 13 total pages.