This Power Rangers Super Legends walkthrough is divided into 15 total pages.
You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.
Mighty Morphin - Part One

Go upward.

Jump and dash to cover distance.

Go upward using platforms.

Go down from this location.

Defeat all enemies.

Open and enter.

Go upper location.

Go to upper roof.

Go downward.

Smash and go down.

Go up.

Smash it and

Go upward.

Don't break these floors.

Use down platforms.

Open and enter.

Press button and go down.

Use platform.

Jump to next place.

Go downward.

Use jump and dash for next platform.

Smash and go down.

Open and enter.

Go down on

Defeat enemies but stay away from cars coming on road.

Go in.

Fight with golde

Defeat goons of golder.


Block attack.

Block golder's attack and attack.

Golder defeated.
More Power Rangers Super Legends Walkthroughs
This Power Rangers Super Legends walkthrough is divided into 15 total pages.