Space Engineers Walkthrough Basics

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Space Engineers walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.

You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.


Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 8
Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 8

This "Tower" will be your best friend from henceforth. It is a combination of a Beacon (Gives you a pointer onto your HUD on just where exactly this place is)..

Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 9
Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 9

A nuclear reactor, responsible for powering everything onto the "space station" you're on currently..

Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 10
Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 10

A med-bay, which will be essential to your survival as It not only supplies your suit with power to keep the life-support systems going but It also heals and sustained damage you might have gotten from firearms or crashing into things.

It will also serve as a respawn point as long as there is power. (T) to use.

Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 11
Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 11

Following those are two more boxes. One is called the Assembler. It is where you will construct things such as building materials and other necessities for ensuring survival.

Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 12
Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 12

The one above is called the Refinery. It takes raw ore and processes them into useful materials which are then placed automatically into the assembler below, which then awaits your instructions on what to produce.

Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 13
Space Engineers Walkthrough - Space Engineers 13

To get started, go back to the build menu (G) and drag & drop this hand drill onto your toolbar.

More Space Engineers Walkthroughs

This Space Engineers walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.

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