This Too Human walkthrough is divided into 5 total pages.
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The first thing to do is to that strange looking object on the wall and destroy it.

After a short cut scene, continue toward the next door. Watch out for these enemies along the way.

This zombie monster has a very powerful explosive object on it. If you are not a big fan of dying constantly, I would suggest killing these monsters with range before they get to you.
In the next room there is a cyber well. You might notice that there are two ways to go in this room.

Both basically lead to the same place. I would suggest taking the path to the left. A ways down the left path and you will come to some water. 20561.jpg
At this point I would suggest going up to the end of the water and destroying the wall/door at the very top, before continuing down the path.
After you go into the next room at get all the items at the other end of water, climb out of the water and head up the path.

There are a couple paths up here at this point. I would suggest the path to your right. The path straight in front of you ends up collapsing when you try to go across it.

Now fight through this path for a while then you will go through a door into another area.

The path to take to progress the game is in the upper left corner. At this point you should take the path to your right. It hooks around and leads back onto the path you are supposed to be on, and it has a cyberspace well. You'll definitely want to head that way.
Anyways, head down the path a ways and you will come to a new and rather disgusting looking enemy.

I would suggest killing any of these enemies before you dispose of the enemies around them. Now, keep headingfighting down the path until you reach a point where there is a door with a path next to it.

The path to your right actually dead ends at a obelisk like treasure chest. Go get your loot then head back up and go through the door. Head down the path a ways and you will reach some water.

Nothing special here, just kill those annoying ghoulish enemies and get onto the path at the other end of the water.

Kill a lot of enemies in this large circular area, then continue down the trail. Not much further and you will go through a door into another area.

So there are a lot of enemies in this area. It might be a good idea to take a trip back to Asier and get all your equipment up to date. After killing a lot of enemies and walking unning a very short distance you will come to a place where there are two paths to take.

Take either one since both are really short and lead to the same place. A bit further and you will go through yet another door.

Pretty straight forward initially, head down the path until you reach a point where there is a door that doesn't yet open on your left, and a big open boss-fighting-like area on your right.

Go into the area on your right. After a cut scene, you will have to fight GARM.

If you are having trouble beating this boss, I would suggest primarily using ranged attacks. Also try to move as much as possible. Once you beat it, another cut scene will ensue.

Before you head through the door get the loot in the opposite direction. When you?re ready, go through the door into the next room.

It is worth noting that there is a hidden side area in here near the start of this room.

Once you get done with the hidden area, fightmove to the end of this room, go through the door, and you will end up in a elevator of sorts. All you need to do is wait till it takes you up a ways, then go through the door into the next area.

After you go a short ways into this area, there will be a cut scene. Afterwards, head through the door into the next room.

About halfway through this room is a cyberspace well.

This well has your final cyberspace ability in it. Once you use your ability and get your loot, go outside cyberspace and into the next room. There is nothing in this next area. Get ready to fight the final boss. Now cross the bridge and go into the next room.

Almost instantly after you come into this room, there will be a cut scene. Once it is over, Hel will teleport away a short distance. Follow the path and go into the next room to start the final boss battle.

Fighting Hel can be difficult initially. The basic concept to the way I beat her was to keep up on the summoned enemies so that they wouldn't be overwhelming, but fight her enough so that she doesn't kill me while I am trying to kill the enemies she summons. Although the fight is spread out over three different rooms, she is basically the same in each area.

Once you beat Hel, there will be a cut scene. Afterwards, you will be in the same area as where you beat her, but there will be a lot of enemies everywhere. Run back out of this area and head back to the area right outside where you first saw Hel in this level. As soon as you reach the large table with candles on it, there will some movie scenes. You will end up in the weapons shop. Head over to the feasting hall and the final movie scenes will ensue.

Congratulations! You just beat Too Human!
After you beat the game, you can start the game again with your character. You keep all your levels and items. You can also go directly to Asier and access any level from the town map. Now you can attempt to get to level 50 and try to get those blueprints...
More Too Human Walkthroughs
This Too Human walkthrough is divided into 5 total pages.