Assassins Creed II Walkthrough Torre Grossa's Secret

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 10 minutes

This Assassins Creed II walkthrough is divided into 153 total pages.

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Torre Grossa's Secret

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You can start this assassin's tomb mission by activing the glowing skull. Which can be found at the following map location.

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Here's the map location of Torre Grossa's Secret.

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Wall run up the wall next to the ladder.

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You will grab a couple of ledges that are above you. Work your way around to the right.

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Keep going until you reach the next ledge.

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Active the switch on the wall next to the gate to open it.

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There are three guards in the next room, and they are on high alert. It's really a pain in the butt to avoid them. So I just take them down.

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They all roam around the area, but you should be able to fight one at a time if it makes you feel more comfortable.

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Anyways, finish those guards off.

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On the Southern most wall there's a stack of barrels. Climb on top of them.

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Jump to the beam, and then to the platform in the corner.

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Pull yourself up on to the platform, and then jump across to the rail on the right.

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Shimmy to the right and then pull yourself up to the top of the beam.

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Walk on the walkway to about here, and then jump across to the rail on the wall.

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Shimmy to the right.

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Go around the corner, and you'll see a platform there.

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Pull yourself up to the top of the platform.

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You will enter a room with a walkway over it.

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Go up the stairs to your left.

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Wall run up the wall here.

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There's a guard up here. Take him out.

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There are a couple poles on the wall, and some wooden rails.

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Wall run up the wall that's straight ahead, and then jump to the left. You can wall run up a wall and then jump to the left or right by pressing your direction stick in that drection and then pressing X.

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Here's a shot of Ezio doing just that.

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Swing across the two poles to the far wall.

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Shimmy to the left, and then climb up.

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Drop down to the edge and then shimmy to the left.

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Climb up so that you are standing, and then move to the left.

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Move from ring to ring until you reach the next platform.

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There's a treasure chest over here.

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Flip the switch on the wall to drop the grate.

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Jump to the pole, and then to the beam.

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Climb to the area on your right.

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You'll get a cutscene. There are a couple of guards in the next room. I think there are three of them on the bottom level.

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There is a brute in the room. He will give you the most trouble. Take him out with two throwing knives.

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There are two other guards, but they are very easy to melee. Take them out now, because you don't want to deal with them later.

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There's a pile of firewood next to the fireplace. Wall run up from the top of that wood.

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You will grab this ordamental column.

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Work your way to the left, and then climb up on the platform.

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A guard will spot you when you are up here.

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Jump across and then take the two guards out.

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When they are dead, jump out to the chandelier that is hanging nearby.

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Jump to the second and then the third chandelier.

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There are some indentations in the wall. They look like plaques. Jump to them .

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Move from the plaque to the window, and then climb up to the next plaque.

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Keep climbing until you can use some rungs to get to a platform.

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If you look out across the room, there is a guard. There are also some poles and a rope crossing the room.

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Jump to the pole, then the rope, and then the next pole.

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You will eventually end up on a ledge under the balcony where the guard is.

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Climb up and take the guard out.

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Before you go any further, there is another secret area here. See the rungs above the door in the picture? That's the way to the secret area.

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Climb up those rungs, and then back jump to the wooden beam.

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Jump to the next beam.

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And again.

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Jump across to the next beam.

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Turn to your left, and jump to the next beam.

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Walk out on to the beam that connects to the middle of the one you are on.

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Then jump across these beams to the wall.

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Shimmy to the left, you will end up standing on a platform with a treasure chest on it.

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There's the treasure.

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Climb up the box, and then jump across the beams.

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Jump to the wall, and you will fall to the floor in the section you were previously on.

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Go through this archway to continue further into this assassin's tomb.

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You will get another cut scene here.

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Run up the ramp to the door in the wall.

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Jump across the first beam to the second one.

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Walk to the right. The beam you are on will T into another one. Jump across the next beam to the second beam.

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This beam becomes a T as well.

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Jump from here to the next beam.

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Immediately back up to the platform the archer is on.

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Get close to him and then assassinate him.

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Jump over ther rail and climb up the ladder.

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Here's a shot of Ezio at the top of the ladder.

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Jump on the rail and then to the beam.

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This beam is a T beam. Jump from here to the platform.

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Jump from this platform across the two beams to the third beam.

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There are a couple grooves in the wall, with some rings above them.

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Jump to them, and then climb the rings to the top.

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Wait for both archers to start walking away, and then swing right across the rings.

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Grab the beams above you, and then shimmy left to the platform the archers are on.

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Take the archers out. They are easy. Simple counter attacks will take all these guys down.

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Wall run up the wall here. At the top of your run back jump to the beam.

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Here's a shot of it being done.

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Climb to the top of the beam, and then jump to the rungs in the wall.

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Use them to shimmy over to the huge beam.

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Jump to the middle beam, and then walk to your left.

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Jump to the next beam, and then walk to your left.

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You can walk over to the other side.

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Jump to the middle beam, and then walk to your right.

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Jump across the beam, to the rungs in the wall.

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Climb the rungs to the wood railing on the wall.

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Shimmy to the right, to the holes in the wall.

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Shimmy across them to the beam.

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Walk across the beam, and then wall run up the beam to the rungs in it.

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Climb up the rungs to the assassin's tomb.

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There are some treasure chests to collect up here.

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When you are done with that open the assassin's tomb.

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Climb up the ladder and use the exit.

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Torre Grossa's Secret should now be synched.

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This Assassins Creed II walkthrough is divided into 153 total pages.

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