This Bioshock: Infinite walkthrough is divided into 41 total pages.
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Go this way shown by the navigation N

Keep moving down the stairs.

Get down the way to find the tears.

Proceed this way shown by the navigation.

You can see the footsteps.

Here we are at the entance.

Go this way down the stairs.

Keep moving to the end of the way.

Reach the stairs at the end of the way.

Get down the stairs and keep moving.

Get to the door at the end of the way.

Kill the men present down the way.

Request lockpick from elizabeth.

Elizabeth opens the door.

We get going inside the room.

Reach the door at the end of the way.

Go this way to the end of the room.

Here is tear.You can see it.

Go near it.Press F to open the tear.

Later on find the next tear.

Get going the way shown by the navigation.

Proceed this way to the door.

Reach the stairs and climb them.

Go to the door.Open the door.

Go this way shown by the navigation.

Here we are at the door.

You can see the footprints

Keep moving to find the next tear.

Get down the stairs to the end of the way.

Get going ths way shown by the navigation.

Reach the gate at the end of the way.

Keep moving to find the next tear.

Go this way to the end.

We go this way reach the door.

Get down the stairs.

Kill this enemy by shooting continuously at it.

You can also press V to kill it.

Later proceed forward the way shown by navigation.

Keep going this way to the end of the hall.

Proceed this way and get down the stairs.

Reach down the stairs to find the next stairs.

Request lockpick to elizabeth.

Elizabeth opens the door.

Now get going on the other side.

Reach the stairs at the end of the way.

Go upside the stairs to find the tear.

Reach the door and open it.

Kill the crowmen trying to kill you.

You can also Press V to kill.

Shoot all the other men present down there.

Look out for others shooting at you.

Press V to perform a kill.

Reach the stairs at the end of the way.

Get to the door and reach insde.

Go this way shown by the navigation.

Proceed forward to find the next tear.

We go this way to the end.

Get in the elevator at the end of the room.

Press the button by pressing F to move the elevator.


Now get out of the lift and keep moving.

Go this wayto the end of the hall.

Keep moving the way shown to you by navigation.

We are now at the entrance of tthe room.

Kill all the men present inside the room.

Look out at sides for enemies and shoot at them.

You can also use vigors to kill them.

Later on keep moving the way shown by navigation.

Get down by jumping to elizabeth.

Reach the door at the end of the room.

Go this way inside the room.

Reach the stairs at the end of the room.

You need to kill the crowmen present inside the room.

Shoot at the enemies present inside the room.

Kill all of them with the ammo present with you.Later on you can collect the ammo from corpses.

Proceed this way to the end of room.

Keep moving the way to the end of the door.

Keep going the way shown by navigation.

There is tear you need.

Go near the tear at the end of the room.

Press V to kill the crowmen.Else shoot at the crowmen.

Later press F to open the tear after getting near to it.

Listen to the conversations in the tear.

Now you need to find the final tear.

So keep moving the way shown to you by navigation.

Proceed this way to find the final tear.

Go this way to the end of the room.

Get inside this big room through the door.

We are now here with ghost enemies.

Kill the ghost.So you will be able to kill the enemies.

Look out for men around you.

Kill all of them using the ammo you got.

You can use vigors on the enemies.

Shoot the ghost as soon as possible and as much as possible to kill it.

Later on keep moving to find the final tear.

Reach the door at the end of the room.

We climb the stairs to reach the door.

Get inside the lift.

Press F button to let the elevator move.

THE BANK OF THE PROPHET FOYER. img(187749); Now get outside the elevator and keep moving. img(187750); Go the shown by navigation. img(187751); Reach the door at the end of the room. img(187752); Get inside the room. img(187753); Get attached to skyline by pressing F img(187754); Here we move using skyline. img(187755); Get down here by pressing F. img(187756); Go this way through the gate to find the final tear. img(187757); Keep going to the end of the room. img(187758); Reach the end and you find some useful items. img(187759); Climb the stairs and keep going. img(187760); Move up the stairs to reach the top. img(187761); Keep moving the way shown to you by navigation img(187762); Go this way to find the final tear. img(187763); Reach the stairs at the end of the way. img(187764); Get up the stairs to reach the top to find the tear. img(187765); We Climb the stairs to the top. img(187766); Reach the stairs at the end at the end of the way. img(187767); Keep moving upside of the stairs. img(187768); Reach the door at the end of the way. img(187769); Request lockpick to elizabeth. img(187770); Elizabeth opens the door with the key she got. img(187771); Here is the tear inside the room. img(187772); Go near to it.And press F to open it. img(187773); Later on listen to the conversations. img(187774); Now return to comstock house gate. img(187775); Proceed this way to the door. img(187776); Open the door and keep moving. img(187777); Reach the stairs at the end of the way. img(187778); Climb the stairs and reach the top. img(187779); Also kill the men present on the ground. img(187780); Shoot at enemies present on the top roof. img(187781); Look out for partriot at the roof. img(187782); After killing all of them keep moving. img(187783); Go this way to the end of the stairs. img(187784); Reach the stairs at the end of the way. img(187785); Shoot the enemies present around you. img(187786); Keep moving later by getting down the stairs. img(187787); Proceed this way to the gate. img(187788); Go this way to reach the comstock house gate. img(187789); Reach the stairs at the end of the way. img(187790); Reach the stairs present on the other side. img(187791); Keep moving to get to the gate. img(187792); Proceed upwards of stairs. img(187793); Reach the stairs at the end of the way to get to the gate of comstock house. img(187794); Go upside the stairs to reach the top. img(187795); Reach the gate at the end of the way. img(187796); Proceed forward to get to the gate. img(187797); Get to the stairs and climb them. img(187798); Reach the door at the end of the stairs. img(187799); Here is ghost of lady comstock. img(187800); Kill all the men created by the ghost. img(187801); You can also press V to kill them. img(187802); You can use vigors by pressing LMB. img(187803); Try to kill the ghost so that all the enemies will be dead. img(187804); Shoot at the ghost continuously with the ammo you got. img(187805); Later move this way to get to the comstock house img(187806); Reach the door at the end of the room. img(187807); Press ENTER to leave the area by getting near to the door.
More Bioshock: Infinite Walkthroughs
This Bioshock: Infinite walkthrough is divided into 41 total pages.