This Grand Theft Auto IV walkthrough is divided into 3 total pages.
You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.
Dukes, Bohan, and Broker Missions
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 0](grand-theft-auto-iv-0-small.webp)
The first task will start immediately after the opening cutscene. Drive to his place.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 1](grand-theft-auto-iv-1-small.webp)
He'll slow you your new place and also the game will show you some tips.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 2](grand-theft-auto-iv-2-small.webp)
Like how sleeping will save the time and advance time 6 hours later.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 3](grand-theft-auto-iv-3-small.webp)
Outside your apartment is a parking place where you can park cars you want to keep.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 4](grand-theft-auto-iv-4-small.webp)
Also, that hot dogs can regenerate your health.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 5](grand-theft-auto-iv-5-small.webp)
Now, get to Roman's by stealing a car. Roman is the R on the radar.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 6](grand-theft-auto-iv-6-small.webp)
The yellow marker on the radar will tell you where to go. Drive to it to get to the hardware store.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 7](grand-theft-auto-iv-7-small.webp)
When you get to the store, wait around for Roman and keep your eyes out for the loan sharks
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 8](grand-theft-auto-iv-8-small.webp)
After you see the loan sharks, call Roman, who gave you his phone number when you got to the store.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 9](grand-theft-auto-iv-9-small.webp)
When Roman gets back, lose the loan sharks quickly.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 10](grand-theft-auto-iv-10-small.webp)
After you lose them, drive Roman back to the cab depot. That'll be the end of the mission.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 11](grand-theft-auto-iv-11-small.webp)
The next mission will be at the cab depot again.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 12](grand-theft-auto-iv-12-small.webp)
Drive to the subway station now.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 13](grand-theft-auto-iv-13-small.webp)
Pick up the girls and take them to their place.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 14](grand-theft-auto-iv-14-small.webp)
Michelle would like to go out, so buy new clothes at the clothing store.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 15](grand-theft-auto-iv-15-small.webp)
After that, the next mission will be commenced when Roman calls you.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 16](grand-theft-auto-iv-16-small.webp)
Roman is still in debt to the Albanians, and they have trapped him on the basketball court in Firefly Island. Go to FIrefly Island. If you have to, make a waypoint in your map.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 17](grand-theft-auto-iv-17-small.webp)
Exterminate Kalem. I killed him but the subtitles tell you to beat him up...oh well!
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 18](grand-theft-auto-iv-18-small.webp)
Now you'll have to chase Dardan, a third loan shark who runs away when he says his buddy down.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 19](grand-theft-auto-iv-19-small.webp)
He'll stop at a factory. Kill him now.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 20](grand-theft-auto-iv-20-small.webp)
After that, drive Roman back to the taxi depot.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 21](grand-theft-auto-iv-21-small.webp)
The next mission will be at the taxi depot.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 22](grand-theft-auto-iv-22-small.webp)
Drive to Rotterdam Hill to pick up a regular.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 23](grand-theft-auto-iv-23-small.webp)
Then drive him to Masterson Street.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 24](grand-theft-auto-iv-24-small.webp)
Jermaine goes to pick up some stolen parts from his lockup, when a swarm of police cars surround the area. Get outta there!
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 25](grand-theft-auto-iv-25-small.webp)
Once you finally lose the cops, take Jermaine back home.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 26](grand-theft-auto-iv-26-small.webp)
The next mission will be at the taxi depot.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 27](grand-theft-auto-iv-27-small.webp)
Pick up Little Jacob.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 28](grand-theft-auto-iv-28-small.webp)
He hops into your car and asks you to take him to Dillon Street in Schottler.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 29](grand-theft-auto-iv-29-small.webp)
Little Jacob gives Niko a gun and asks him to provide backup in case anything goes wrong. When you arrive, go to the vantage point and take aim.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 30](grand-theft-auto-iv-30-small.webp)
Kill the attackers so Jacob gets out alive.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 31](grand-theft-auto-iv-31-small.webp)
After you kill the two waves of attackers, take Little Jacob back home.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 32](grand-theft-auto-iv-32-small.webp)
The next mission will be at the bar across from your place. There are other missions to do for Roman but since this is a walkthrough of the full story, I'll just show you the mission you have to do to advance in the story.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 33](grand-theft-auto-iv-33-small.webp)
Get to the shop.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 34](grand-theft-auto-iv-34-small.webp)
Throw a brick on the window and get the money fro Vlad.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 35](grand-theft-auto-iv-35-small.webp)
The next mission will again be at the bar across from your apartment.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 36](grand-theft-auto-iv-36-small.webp)
Get to the laundromat.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 37](grand-theft-auto-iv-37-small.webp)
He'll run away so drive through the back and get him.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 38](grand-theft-auto-iv-38-small.webp)
Make sure he doesnt get away.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 39](grand-theft-auto-iv-39-small.webp)
Shooting the tires and body of the car will slow him down.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 40](grand-theft-auto-iv-40-small.webp)
And that'll be it.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 41](grand-theft-auto-iv-41-small.webp)
Go back to the bar to do the next mission.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 42](grand-theft-auto-iv-42-small.webp)
Get to the subway station.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 43](grand-theft-auto-iv-43-small.webp)
When you find the car, take it to the lockup.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 44](grand-theft-auto-iv-44-small.webp)
But you cant have a dirty car! SO go to the car wash to get it cleaned before you lock it up.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 45](grand-theft-auto-iv-45-small.webp)
Now continue to take the car back to the lockup.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 46](grand-theft-auto-iv-46-small.webp)
And the mission will be over.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 47](grand-theft-auto-iv-47-small.webp)
The next mission will still be at the bar across from your apartment.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 48](grand-theft-auto-iv-48-small.webp)
Get to Roman's garage.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 49](grand-theft-auto-iv-49-small.webp)
Ivan will try to escape from the depot. Chase him.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 50](grand-theft-auto-iv-50-small.webp)
Later in the chase, he'll stop at a construction site and run on foot.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 51](grand-theft-auto-iv-51-small.webp)
I shot him from the car because that's the fastest way.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 52](grand-theft-auto-iv-52-small.webp)
Roma is heartbroken, due to a discovery of his girlfriend having an affair with Vlad. Head with Roman to Comrades Bar where Niko confronts Vlad.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 53](grand-theft-auto-iv-53-small.webp)
This is a tricky part. RUn past the guards first.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 54](grand-theft-auto-iv-54-small.webp)
Go out through the door Vlad went out.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 55](grand-theft-auto-iv-55-small.webp)
You better have parked outside the bar because youll have to chase him with your car.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 56](grand-theft-auto-iv-56-small.webp)
Vlad will stop at the shore and a cutscene will commence.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 57](grand-theft-auto-iv-57-small.webp)
Then, kill him.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 58](grand-theft-auto-iv-58-small.webp)
Call Roman, if he doesn't call you, to start the next mission.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 59](grand-theft-auto-iv-59-small.webp)
This is a big part in the story. Faustin kidnaps you and Roman and now he wants you to do something for you. You'll have to find a cop car.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 60](grand-theft-auto-iv-60-small.webp)
If you walk away from Faustin's house, you will usually hear a police siren coming in your direction which will stop up the street, or you may see a police car already parked up the street with the door open. Either way, just hop in.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 61](grand-theft-auto-iv-61-small.webp)
Now, get to all the vans before they go to their location.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 62](grand-theft-auto-iv-62-small.webp)
After you've gotten the items from the vans, take them to the lockup.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 63](grand-theft-auto-iv-63-small.webp)
Call Dimitri and go to Faustin's house. Then Roman will call you and a training mission will begin. Take Dimitri to the sex shop.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 64](grand-theft-auto-iv-64-small.webp)
Enter the shop.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 65](grand-theft-auto-iv-65-small.webp)
After some business is discussed, and you learn how to free aim, go take Dimitri to the gun shop.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 66](grand-theft-auto-iv-66-small.webp)
This is the gun shop where you can buy all sorts of guns you want.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 67](grand-theft-auto-iv-67-small.webp)
For now, get an SMG.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 68](grand-theft-auto-iv-68-small.webp)
Then go back to Dimitri.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 69](grand-theft-auto-iv-69-small.webp)
You'll then have to go back to Faustin's house.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 70](grand-theft-auto-iv-70-small.webp)
And the mission is done.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 71](grand-theft-auto-iv-71-small.webp)
Hed to the F icon on the radar for the next mission.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 72](grand-theft-auto-iv-72-small.webp)
Get to Guantanamo Ave where Lenny will be.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 73](grand-theft-auto-iv-73-small.webp)
When you get there, chase him.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 74](grand-theft-auto-iv-74-small.webp)
Get in front of him down the stairs. Then kill him.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 75](grand-theft-auto-iv-75-small.webp)
For the next mission, go to the LJ icon on the radar.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 76](grand-theft-auto-iv-76-small.webp)
Find the dealer for Little Jacob
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 77](grand-theft-auto-iv-77-small.webp)
As he's on the phone, follow him and don't be seen.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 78](grand-theft-auto-iv-78-small.webp)
If you spook him, still follow him to the supplier.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 79](grand-theft-auto-iv-79-small.webp)
The supplier will be in an apartment building.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 80](grand-theft-auto-iv-80-small.webp)
Take down all of them.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 81](grand-theft-auto-iv-81-small.webp)
And that'll be it.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 82](grand-theft-auto-iv-82-small.webp)
For the next mission, go to Faustin's house.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 83](grand-theft-auto-iv-83-small.webp)
Go to Firefly Island to find Mikhail's daughter biker boyfriend.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 84](grand-theft-auto-iv-84-small.webp)
When you find him, get a bike that's around the area and get on it.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 85](grand-theft-auto-iv-85-small.webp)
Chase him and take him out.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 86](grand-theft-auto-iv-86-small.webp)
And you're done.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 87](grand-theft-auto-iv-87-small.webp)
The next mission will be at the taxi depot.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 88](grand-theft-auto-iv-88-small.webp)
Head to the internet cafe to...
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 89](grand-theft-auto-iv-89-small.webp)
Check your email! Move your mouse, or analog stick, to move the cursor. the on-screen directions will tell you the rest.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 90](grand-theft-auto-iv-90-small.webp)
The next mission will be at Faustin's house.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 91](grand-theft-auto-iv-91-small.webp)
Get to the old factory and find the truck full of explosives.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 92](grand-theft-auto-iv-92-small.webp)
Now drive to the guy that owes Mikhail money's garage.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 93](grand-theft-auto-iv-93-small.webp)
Once you drop off the truck and the area begins to explode, get outta there!
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 94](grand-theft-auto-iv-94-small.webp)
And that'll be it!
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 95](grand-theft-auto-iv-95-small.webp)
Call Roman to begin the next mission.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 96](grand-theft-auto-iv-96-small.webp)
Meet Dimitri at Faustin's Club.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 97](grand-theft-auto-iv-97-small.webp)
Dimitri convinced you to kill Faustin. So head inside the club to get him.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 98](grand-theft-auto-iv-98-small.webp)
I just avoided the thugs and went directly after Faustin. An SMG did it pretty well.
![Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-IV 99](grand-theft-auto-iv-99-small.webp)
The next mission will be commenced after a call to Dimitri. He'll tell you to meet you at East Hook. img(165729); Jacob will meet you there. img(165730); Dimitri has betrayed you! You and Jacob have to kill the thugs and make it outta there alive. img(165731); Steal a cop car to make your getaway easier. Take Jacob back to the cafe. img(165732); And done! img(165733); The next mission will commence with a call from Roman. img(165734); Get to Roman who's hiding in an alley img(165735); You'll have to get to your guy's apartment fast. img(165736); Looks like your enemies have burned down your apart img(165737); Now, go to the taxi depot to see if it's safe! img(165738); But it had the same fate... img(165739); Roman calls Malorie and has a place for you and Roman. Go to it. img(165740); Home sweet home. img(165741); Drive to the new M icon on the radar that stnads for Manny. img(165742); After talking to Manny, you guys decide to go to the dealer's place. img(165743); The dealer will come out and you'll have to chase him. But make sure he doesn't spot you. img(165744); As soon as the dealer goes in, follow behind. img(165745); There'll be lots of thugs. take them out. img(165746); As soon as you kill all of the thugs, get out. img(165747); And that'll be it. img(165748); Head again to Manny's for the next mission. img(165749); Get to Windmill Street. img(165750); When you do, make sure you shoot the driver and passengers of the car while your in your car or taxi. img(165751); then get out and kill the rest of the thugs. img(165752); And that'll be it. img(165753); Go to San Quentin Ave. img(165754); Then call Malorie. img(165755); The next mission will begin that way. img(165756); Go to the sniping point in South Bohan. img(165757); Here you'll learn how to shoot and use a sniper rifle. Take out the attackers. img(165758); That'll be it after that. img(165759); Now, head to the E to start the next mission for Elizabeta. img(165760); Head to the contact's apartment with Playboy. img(165761); Follow Playboy to meet the contact on the third floor. img(165762); Move up to the roof without getting killed. img(165763); You'll probably get there first, wait for Playboy. img(165764); Get away from the cops now with Playboy. img(165765); When you lose the cops, take Playboy to his apartment.
More Grand Theft Auto IV Walkthroughs
This Grand Theft Auto IV walkthrough is divided into 3 total pages.