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Algonquin Missions

Go to the B icon on the radar to start the next mission.

Brucie will want you to get a cop car. SO head to the police station to steal one.

A call from Brucie will give you further directions.

You're gonna have to access the police computer. To do so, Press the action button while the car is stopped to access it.

The computer will find your guy.

Go to his house (I was already there).

he'll try and escape so chase him.

He'll run away via car so try and take out his tires and make him go on foot.

Once he's on foot, it'll be easier to kill him.

And that'll be it.

For the next mission, head to the B icon on the radar.

Brucie wants you to go out to Yorktown Ave.

Get Lyle's car in the alleyway where he used to live.

Two thugs will notice you and shoot at you. Get outta there as soon as possible and get to the lockup.

And that'll be it for that mission.

For the new mission, go to the B icon on the radar.

Get to the internet cafe.

Click on love meet.

Then find French Tom and look at his info.

Wait for him to reply back to you.

Aterwards, hurry and escape because the attackers will come. And that'll be it.

For the next mission get to the M icon.

Get to the Algonquin Bridge.

Then, follow the train where the enemy is.

When he gets off, go find him!

When you do, kill him.

And that's it!

Go to the "?" mark on the radar for the next mission.

Francis will want you to go to the viewpoint off Union Drive East.

Your target is int he park. Francis will give you the number so you can call him. Find the guy that's answering a phone.

Then kill him.

Afterwards, pick up the storage device.

Then, take the storage device back to Francis.

And that'll be the end of that mission.

For the next mission, go to the F icon on the radar.

Head back to the internet cafe.

Click on the lawyer ad.

Then, go to the Careers tab.

Then, submit your resume.

Leave the cafe afterwards.

Go to the E icon on the radar for the next mission.

Elizabeta wants her coke go to the old hospital to get it.

The old hospital will be filled with thugs so take them out to get to the coke.

The coke should be on this table.

Looks like some authority are coming. Get outta there!

As soon as you lose your wanted level, call Little Jacob and he'll tell you where to meet him.

And after you give him the stuff, that'll be it.

Go to sleep for about 3 days to wait for the next mission.

When you wake up, go to "i" icon on the radar after you get a suit because this is the big interview.

Talk to the receptionist and she'll take you to Goldberg's office.

Kill Goldberg.

Retrieve the files after you kill him.

Then, escape from the building.

Now, take the files to Francis.

And, you're done.

Go to the F icon for the next mission.

Head to the projects.

Walk on the yellow arrow to start the battle.

Go to the left and find a good spot to see Clarence.

Right should be okay.

And get him.

Now, lose your wnted level.

When you do, the mission is over.

For the next mission, go to the X icon on the radar.

Go to the alley where the car is with Playboy.

Then, enter the car.

Drive to and kill the lookouts.

I went in, shooting because I'm pretty good. But I'd recommend just sniping them for beginners.

For the next mission, go to the F icon.

This is a sniping mission so go to the car that has ammo to reload your sniper.

After you get the ammo, go to the dealers apartment on Denver Ave.

Head inside the building and get to the rooftop.

Shoot a window to make him come and check the window. Then, he'll be in sight and able to kill.

Then, kill him.

Exit the rooftop afterwards. And that'll be it.

For the next mission, head to the X icon on the radar.

Head to the basketball courts on Exeter Ave.

When you get there, kill the gang members that are playing.

After that, the mission is over.

Head to the "Pm' icon on the radar for the next mission.

Get to the harbor warehouse.

Follow Packie to the destination.

To get on the roof, get on this little ramp thing.

Then jump to the pile of planks.

Then jump on the vents to your right.

And finally, shimmy up the roof.

Kill the thugs who are guarding the truck.

Then, get down and steal the truck.

Take it to the lockup now.

And that'll be it.

For the next mission, head agin to the "Pm" icon.

Make sure you have a car big enough for Packie and the others. (The crew is only in the PC verison I believe).

Then, drive to the waste depot.

Enter the depot and pick up the money.

Kill the guards too.

The cash will be in the office.

There'll be other thugs trying to get that money also. Take them out and leave.

Go out the back with Packie.

There'll be about available so get in quickly.

Then, get Packie and yourself outta there with the money still with you. img(165866); And that'll be it! img(165867); For the next mission, go to the "?" icon on the radar. img(165868); First thing you'll have to do is get to Oleg's apartment in Hove Beach. img(165869); Check his computer for some more information. img(165870); There'll be a email from Vasily to meet them somewhere. img(165871); Call the paper to see what they want you to do. img(165872); Get a car and head to the jewelry store. img(165873); Oleg will speed down the road. Chase him and eliminate him. img(165874); Once you do that your own way (grenades, guns,etc.), the mission will be over. img(165875); To start the next mission, head to the U icon on the radar. img(165876); Go to Dukes Blv. Thugs will be there guarding your target so take them out. img(165877); After you kill everyone, the mission is done. img(165878); For the next mission, head to the U icon on the radar. img(165879); Get to Civilization Plaza. img(165880); The helicopter will take off. So follow where it's going! img(165881); Wait for the helicopter to land. img(165882); Once it has, move in and steal the helicopter. img(165883); Fly it to the dropoff point. img(165884); The game will give you on screen directions to fly it. img(165885); After that, you're done. img(165886); Head to Packies place, or the "Pm" icon for the next mission. img(165887); Pick up your partners then head to the bank. img(165888); Get down to the vault to steal the money. img(165889); When you're done and ready to go, the cops will already be out there. So take them out. img(165890); There'll be too nay so follow Packie and Derrick. img(165891); Clear the path of cops to get through. img(165892); You'll go down the tunnel. Make sure you dont get hit by any of the trains. img(165893); Then get to street level. img(165894); Then find a car big enough for all of you and head back to Packie's place. img(165895); And that'll be the end of the mission. img(165896); Ray will give you a call and tell you where to go to meet him for the next mission. img(165897); Ray will tell you to go to the projects. img(165898); Talk to Alonza. He wont talk so scare him with a weapon. Or kill someone. img(165899); When he tells you, enter the building and head to his apartment, 151 K. img(165900); Look around the apartment and find him. img(165901); Now, take him out. img(165902); Head to the roof, where hes going. img(165903); After you kill him, thats it. img(165904); Go to the R icon on the radar for the next mission. img(165905); Get in the trashmaster that's down the street in an alley. img(165906); Drive to the first diamond pickup. img(165907); Open the door so the bags of diamonds can be thrown in. img(165908); Then go to the other ones and do the same thing. img(165909); And that'll be it after two more stops. img(165910); Go to the R icon on the radar to begin the next mission. img(165911); Go to Castle Garden City. img(165912); Then chase after Luca's gang. But dont kill them. Luca still has the diamonds. img(165913); The gang will stop in a park. Now you can kill them. img(165914); After you kill the gang, get Luca in the bathroom. img(165915); Then kill him and take the diamonds. img(165916); Ray will call you afterwards, or call him. Meet him on the bridge. img(165917); And that'll be it. img(165918); A call from United Liberty Paper will commence the next mission. img(165919); Go meet Jacob at the salvage yard. img(165920); Get into the helicopter that's there. img(165921); Fly to the south and find the enemy aircraft. img(165922); When you do, follow it and make sure you dont get spotted. img(165923); A while into the chase, get closer so Jacob can attack. img(165924); Then go back to a helipad to drop off Jacob. img(165925); And that'll be it. img(165926); A call will commence the next mission. Go to Gerald's house to begin the mission. img(165927); Gerald will tell you where the bomb is, go get it. img(165928); Then go to the enemy's car and rig the bomb to the car. img(165929); Afterwards, get out of the area. img(165930); Follow the Ancelottis when he gets to his car. img(165931); When the Ancelottis finally gets to his destination, call Gerry so he can detonate the bomb. img(165932); Then, go in the site and kill the remaining Acelottis. img(165933); After that, get rid of your wanted level. img(165934); And that'll be the end of the mission. img(165935); For the next mission, get to the R icon on the radar. img(165936); Get a vehicle and meet Johnny at the side entrance of the Libertonian. img(165937); You gotta escape the Libertonian and kill all the guards that are in your way. img(165938); When you finally escape, get a vehicle and lose the crew. img(165939); After that, that'll be the end of the mission. img(165940); For the next mission, get to the 'Gm" icon. img(165941); Get on the motorbike that's in the area. img(165942); Head to the meeting point. img(165943); Then, take out Frankie Garone. img(165944); And that'll be it for that mission. img(165945); For the next mission, get to the R icon on the radar. img(165946); Hurry to where the members of The Lost are hanging out. img(165947); Then, take the bike and chase the bikers and kill them. img(165948); You'll probably end up in the subway. Its not much different just avoid the trains. img(165949); After that, the mission will be completed. img(165950); For the next mission, go to the R icon on the radar. img(165951); Get to the Majestic Hotel. img(165952); Get through the hotel and kill Issac and the rest of the diamond dealers. img(165953); To get them, go on an elevator. img(165954); And they'll be on the floor you get on. img(165955); After you kill them, escape the hotel anyway possible. img(165956); The mission will be completed after you escape the hotel.
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This Grand Theft Auto IV walkthrough is divided into 3 total pages.