Half-Life Walkthrough Lambda Core

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 6 minutes

This Half-Life walkthrough is divided into 18 total pages.

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Lambda Core

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 562
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 562

Press the button and then go on a ride down the lift.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 563
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 563

Shoot some headcrabs and jump up the crates to reach the first aid station on top.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 564
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 564

When you are done here go through the big gates on the right.

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You will reach another hangar area with crates and containers. This means only one thing, an ambush from assassins.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 566

Don't let them use hit and run tactics. Find some spot where you can wait for them and you can kill the assassins one by one.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 567

Climb up the stairs.

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Continue to the right to go to the next area. If you go left and down some stairs you will reach recharging stations.

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Pass the gates.

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When you kill the aliens in this area the scientist will open the door for you.

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Get up the lift.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 572
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 572

Go inside the test firing chamber to get a new weapon.

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The gluon gun is the most powerful weapon in the game but it uses the scarce ammo quickly. You can test it on some aliens locked up in the cages nearby.

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Proceed up the elevator on the right side of the corridor.

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The alien activity in this area will be high. You will have to start up the reactor.

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Go right to the maintenance station to resupply.

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The guard is protecting this area.

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The scientist will tell you that you have to start the reactor.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 579

Go left to exit this corridor. Remember that you will have to reach the reactor from this corridor once you have started up the coolant system.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 580
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 580

Follow the blue corridor to reach the first coolant system.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 581
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 581

Go up the stairs.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 582

Follow the path forward.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 583

Jump down and press the red button to start the first coolant pump.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 584

The indicators should be green now.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 585

Now backtrack from the first pump room and go to the second one.

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Follow the orange corridor.

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Pass under the debris.

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Go up the stairs.

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Turn the valve to shut off the steam.

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Press the red button to start pump 2.

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Every light should be green now.

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Now is time to get back to the corridor you were in before and go left to reach the reactor.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 593

Jump down the water and enter the maintenance access.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 594

Turn the valve to start the coolant system.

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Do the same with the other valve.

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The water level will start to rise. Swim up and climb the ladder.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 597
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 597

Jump across the platforms to go up and try to dodge the beams.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 598
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 598

Go inside the elevator shaft.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 599

Climb the ladder and jump on the door to reach the upper floor.

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Follow the red corridor.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 601

The valve can turn off the steam but you might want to use it to kill some aliens first.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 602

Enter core level B.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 603
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 603

This area is a puzzle somewhat and can get confusing. You have to enter the appropriate portals to reach the end. But some portals lead to a dead end. Most of the time you will be teleported to this starting area and you can try again.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 604
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 604

When you enter the first portal you have to time it so you land on the moving platfort. The platform will be spinning around teleport entrances. Only one leads to a higher floor.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 605

Enter port number 2 to go up one floor.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 606

Next enter port 4. If you miss the platform spinning above you, you will most likely fall to your death. You have to time when you enter each port.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 607

Enter port 7.

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Next area has some spinning platforms and one walkway that goes up and down in the middle.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 609

Be fast and use the platforms to reach one of the buttons around this zone.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 610

When you press both buttons the center that protects the teleport will open.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 611

Get inside the teleport at the center once the barriers are open.

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Follow the red corridor.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 613

Go up the ladder.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 614

Enter the lambda reactor core.

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The scientists are waiting for you in here.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 616

Stock up on ammo and weapons from the storage rooms.

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The scientist will give you the booster jump device from the container on the right. Press crouch and jump and the same time to perform a long forward jump.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 618

Once you are ready enter the reactor. Wait for the scientist to start up the teleport at the center.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 619
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 619

Climb up the ladder to gain a height advantage.

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Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 620

Some aliens will start teleporting to you. Fight them off until the scientist tells you to go in the portal.

Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 621
Half-Life Walkthrough - Half Life 621

Once you are told to go, enter the portal to reach the alien world Xen.

More Half-Life Walkthroughs

This Half-Life walkthrough is divided into 18 total pages.

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