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James Bond Quantum of Solace Walkthrough - James Bond-Quantum-of-Solace 578
Youâll start out behind cover
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Move forward and hack this camera box
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Then disable this one here
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Now head inside the trailer in front of you and grab the phone
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Watch the camera and guard here
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Then jump out the window and disable this camera box
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Take the guard down
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Head inside the warehouse for a checkpoint
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Then head over and take this guard down for another checkpoint
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Here youâll need to save Eva Greenâs character Vesper within 2 minutes (easily done)
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Couple waves of guys if you run out of ammo which you will grab some here
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After she makes her way around the bow youâll get a checkpoint
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Head downstairs and take cover on this wall for another checkpoint
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Time to clear the docks
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After these guys are down a checkpoint and youâll need to clear the barge of bad guys
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Take cover here and shoot the tanks
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Then head up the ramp
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Then take cover on this container and shoot the tank here
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Take out the remaining guards that come
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Soon a checkpoint now itâs time to find a way to the upper deck
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Approach the Bow of the ship and shoot these tanks
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Then head towards the door here for a checkpoint then take cover
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Head inside to the second door on your right and grab the phone
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Then open the weapon box and grab the TLD 22-s
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Then head through the door on the other side of the hall and through the door in the back for a
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Then head up the stairs to the upper deck 2 guards will show themselves kill them
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Once topside maneuver through the containers until you reach the ammo box here
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Then climb this ladder on the container
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At the top shoot the 2 guards (there is no cover here but your gun holds 200 rounds so you
should be able to get the job done)
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Now you have to jump to the container across from you
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Once over there take cover here on the catwalk lots of guards will come but there are plenty
tanks lying about
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Soon youâll need to move forward to here to trigger another wave after you do take cover
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Finish off the guards, then shoot these tanks holding up a container
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After the boom head into the container you just shot down and through the back
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Youâll need to open the cargo doors
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Head over to the remote hanging here and use it
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This will End Mission 13.
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More James Bond Quantum of Solace Walkthroughs
This James Bond Quantum of Solace walkthrough is divided into 16 total pages.