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Casino Royale
James Bond Quantum of Solace Walkthrough - James Bond-Quantum-of-Solace 520
This is a SNEAKING Mission!!!
Once you have control take cover and watch the patrol pattern.
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After you have it down wait for the guard patrolling to turn away and head for the guard on the
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Wait here in cover until the patrolling guard is gone again and climb over the wall here
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Shimmy across and make the first jump
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Then wait for the guards to look away and jump again
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A guard will remain watching the window when he looks away jump the last time
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On the other side a checkpoint make sure to crouch
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Sneak up the cover here and wait for the patrolling guard to leave
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Then head for this cart in the room straight ahead
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Wait for the guard to leave and head for this room take cover on the other door inside
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Wait for the guard to leave again you need to push this cart straight in front of you
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Once inside the room, go ahead push another cart here
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Then open you phone and watch that the guard in the hall wonât see you climb the cart you just
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If the coast is clear climb the cart, then bookshelf
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Then open the vent in the roof here
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Climb in it for a checkpoint
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Head through the tunnel to get your reward a scene
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Continue crawling through the ducting till you reach this vent
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Fall through and take cover fast like
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Lots of guys will come out
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After you take them down head to this door and take cover
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Make your way through the halls until you see these 2 guards
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Take them down
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Then jump the wall here
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Shimmy to a checkpoint a guard will say he is going to go check the balcony jump to it
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Open your phone and wait until he is in the doorway
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Then rush him and take him down
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Then head into the hall here and wait for the guard to look away and creep into the ice room
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Then creep up and take him down
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Go into the room behind you and grab the phone
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Then head into this door and down the hall
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Hack this lock at the end
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After the scene and you shoot a guard a huge battle!
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Once the last guard is downed a checkpoint
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Then it time to jump down if you are upstairs and head for the doors the guards are at
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Take them out and head down the hallway here for a checkpoint
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Soon another fight sequence
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After you make it to the bottom youâll have to mash O button so Eva Green will save you
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This will End Mission 11.
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More James Bond Quantum of Solace Walkthroughs
This James Bond Quantum of Solace walkthrough is divided into 16 total pages.