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Science Center Exterior
A scene will start this mission
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Take cover after it
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You goal is to snipe the 3 lookoutâs with 1 shot each
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After they are downed head out to this door for a scene
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After it you be behind some cover
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Creep up on this guard and take him down
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Then hack this camera box here
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Then take cover and snipe the guard patrolling
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Then creep down the alley towards this guard
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Do a takedown on him
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And head inside the trailer
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And jump out the back door here
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Then hack this door lock
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Once inside head to the doorway on the left and snipe the guard
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Then creep up on the other one down the way
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Then take cover on this box time for a battle
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Take out the guards that come rushing in
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Advance as you take them out
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Soon another wave will come when you get to this truck
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Take them out and head for this truck here
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Head over to the side and climb up inside the box
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Then out the other side
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And up this ladder
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Then over on to the catwalk stairs
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And to this corner for a checkpoint and a guard to kill
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Head inside the door he came out of and grab the D.A.D. system
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Then head up the stairs outside
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At the top climb this ladder
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And head over to this corner and jump over
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Wait until the search light makes it way UP and shimmy across to the pole
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Then climb the pole and get ready for a brawl (D.A.D. them to death)
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After you take out the first wave head back to this area
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More will come to play
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Then round the corner and let these guys have it
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Around the next bend a checkpoint and some guards kill them
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Keep advancing taking out the guards as they come and the helicopter guy
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More will come when you reach this Ducting here take them out and climb over
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Take cover on the AC unit and take out the guards that pop out
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Then advance to the next corner and do the same
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The next corner is a checkpoint
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Now it is time to take down a helicopter
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Equip your best weapon and go to town on it
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Soon it will fly over head, just switch sides of you cover
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But be on the look out for guards flanking
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Couple times of doing this and the copter will go down
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This will kick off a scene and end Mission 7.
More James Bond Quantum of Solace Walkthroughs
This James Bond Quantum of Solace walkthrough is divided into 16 total pages.