This Metal Gear Solid walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.
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Getting to Metal Gear

After you and Maryl talked and she gave you the next level car and the PAL override key card, she leads you to the next area...or so you thought.

Just go down the hall to the left of the elevator.

When you're about halfway down the next hall, Meryl goes in front. Kinda weird. Just enter the next room.

Now, she starts complaining that her head hurts...

She's now warning you to not go in there...

Then she kinda...faints.

But gets up, acting quite strange.

Mr. FOX-HOUND? Something has to be wrong with Meryl...

Then she points the gun at you...

She tries to seduce you now...

Colonel says shes not herself. To avoid dying from her shooting, knock her out.

After that, Psycho Mantis appears!

He then "reads your mind". He'll actually look at your memory card and stuff which was kinda cool when this game came out.

Like for me, since I'm playing this on an emulator and havent played many games on it, my memory is pretty empty.

You then begin the next boss battle! This one is actually a little bit difficult.

"Now, if this comes up, dont freak out xD

A key to this battle is crawling underneath his attacks, except 2 attacks that you cant go underneath.

That box to the right is one of them.

IMPORTANT: I forgot, so he cant read your mind and you can actually hit him, you have to use the 2nd controller.

Psycho Mantis will take control of Meryl again, and you'll have to knock her out again.

Mantis will again take control of her, but this time its her life on the line. So you have to knowck her out quickly!

Another attack that can't be avoided is his electric attack when he's invinsible and teleporting.

When he is invisible and teleporting just hit him before he gets you with his electric attack.

And thats pretty much it to beating him. Also, if you're using an emulator, just configure your controller 2 over your 1st controller. Since Psycho Mantis is dead, Meryl is not under his control anymore.

After the cutscene, sad history of Mantis, and directions, he opens the door the the Comm Towers and you go.

Go out the door and follow Meryl. Yes, she'll go ahead so I'll tell you where to go.

Go take this slanted road up to the wall.

Crawl underneath the wall to get to the other side.

Avoid these dogs, they are SUPER annoying when they see you.

Go up and take a right.

Then go down and to the last wall and crawl underneath it. It'll be hard to see but its all the way at the end.

Meryl with be there with some dogs she made friends with... xD

Now, go into the next door.

The place will be mined. Meryl will show you how to get through it.

But just crawl. Its so much easier :P

When you get past the mines, there'll be a sniper waiting for you.


Naomi identified the sniper as "Sniper Wolf". FOX-HOUND's best sniper.

Now you have to go back to get a sniper from the frist building in B2.

So go past the dogs...

Back to the Cmndr room entrance...

Inside the room..

To the elevator...

Up to level 1.

Down the stairs...

Underneath the door...

Back outside...

Past the cameras...

The place is still mined so be sure to crawl.

Back to the first buidling...

Take the elevator...

Go to level B2.

By the way, there is a FAMAS in one of the rooms if you want it.

The sniper rifle will be in this room. Get your cigarettes out to see the infrared sensors.

Now go save Meryl!

Finally when you get back to Meryl, the boss battle wil begin!

All you have to know for this boss battle is all the spots. There isnt many spots she can hide at to start with. But heres one.

Another spot...

And that spot right there...

And just try and steady yourself and shoot. And thats pretty much it. This is kind of an easy boss.

After you beat her, go down the alley. Meryl's body will be gone...

Enter the next door to get to the base where Metal Gear is at.

But then suddenly, you'll be stopped by guards...

Sniper Wolfe will introduce herself to you...cleavage... cx

And turns out she likes you.

You'll get knocked out and dragged somewhere...

You'll wake up in a weird room...

This strange character will call you his brother...

It's the terrorist leader, Liquid Snake.

Revolver Ocelot begins to try and get some information from you...

And since Snake doesnt cooperate, Ocelot tries another way to get you to spill the beans.

All you have to do is keep smashing the Circle button. Dont submit. Meryl will die if you do. So just smash it like you've never smashed it before.

After some torture, you get dragged away to a holding cell.

And it looks like the DARPA Chief is with you in there...

But strangely, he's decomposing when hes only been dead for a few hours...

Now, what you have to is to destry Metal Gear...
More Metal Gear Solid Walkthroughs
This Metal Gear Solid walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.