This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.
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Construction Yard The Vale
Start out in The Cauldron The Vale.

Double jump across to the vines on the tower in the center. Then slide all the way down to the platform at the bottom of the tower.

Jump across to this platform.

Then jump to the next one.

You have a series of things to do here. Wall run to the hand holds.
Then wall run from those hand holds to the next set of hand holds.
Then wall run, and jump at the end of your wall run.

You will land in a wall run, and then catch some hand holds. Wall run to the next set of hand holds. Wall run from them and jump at the end of your wall run. You will land in another wall run and catch the set of vines on the wall.

Climb up the vines on to the platform above.

Kill the shadow creature here.

There is a narrow area where you can wall jump up.

Wall jump up until you reach the highest set of hand holds. Then work your way around to the next platform.

The area will turn corrupted here.

Wall run out to the hand holds on the wall.

Wall run from those hand holds to the next set of hand holds.

Wall run out from that set of hand holds. At the end of your wall run jump. You will do another wall run, and end up at the next set of hand holds.

Wall run and jump to the next platform.

Jump over the little stream of shadow.

Wall run out to the green shield on the wall, and hit triangle.

Press triangle at the next shield. Watch out for the wall here. You will have to move to the left a bit, as you run.

Press triangle again to move to the next platform.

Climb up the wall with the rings in it. Press circle every time you get to a ring.

Double jump across to the platform.
This platform has levers you can push that turns all of the platforms.

Go ahead and turn them so that they look like the picture above.

Double jump to the platform with the two little beams sticking out from it.

Now turn them so that they look like the picture above.

Then double jump to the platform you haven't been on yet, which you can get to from here. The crank on this is different than the others.

Turn the platforms so they look like the picture above.

Double jump back to the platform with the two wooden beams on it.

Turn the platforms so they look like the picture above.

Double jump to platform you started on.

Turn the platforms so they look like the picture above.

Jump across to the platform with the really long beam.

Turn the platforms so they look like the picture above.

Then double jump across to the sacred ground.
More Prince of Persia Walkthroughs
This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.