This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.
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The Windmills Ruined Citadel Healed

Run up the wall and grab the ring to get to the top of it.

Jump down to the other side.

Have Elika heal the fertile ground.

The area will change once the fertile ground has been healed.

Double jump across to the poles.

Drop down the ground level.

Jump across to the red pressure plate. You will bounce off of another pressure plate.

Grab the ring on the corner to swing around it.

Grab the next ring on the wall to make it to the next pressure plate.

You will wall run up to a ring on this wall. Grab it to reach the next red pressure plate.

You will end up on the entrance to the windmill.

Wait for the wheel to turn so you can run across it. Then wall run across it to the platform in the corner.

Double jump across to the next platform.

Collect the light seed, and then wall run up to the red pressure plate on the wall.
You will bounce off another red pressure plate.

Then you will land in a wall run. Grab the ring to make it to the next pressure plate.

Jump across the first flag pole to the second one.

Jump to the wall. The prince will wall run up the wall. Jump again at the top of his wall run.

You will climb up to some hand holds there. Jump to the platform behind you.

Wait until you can run to the spoke in the middle of the wheel. Then run out to the ring, and from that ring to the spoke in the middle.

Wait until the plank turns so you can run up it. Then wall run up it, and jump to the beam above.

Jump across to the platform.

Use the red pressure plate. You will bounce around a bit, and then be deposited on the next platform.

Wall run across to the ring in the wall. Then to the next platform.

There's a section of the wall missing in the corner of this spot. Look over the edge and down. There are some light seeds down there. Wall slide down to get them.

There's another grassy area here. Jump down there.

Wall run up the wall to collect the light seed.

Now wall run back up to the platform you were previously on.

Wall run up to the ring in this wall, and then to the platform above.

There is a light seed right over the edge here. Get it and then jump across to the other side.

Stand on the rail at the end of this path, and jump to the flag pole.

Jump from the flag pole to the wooden slide. Jump to wall run at the end of it.
Then grab the ring to wall run again.

Get the three light seeds here, and then wall run to the ring in the wall.
Wall run again to the platform.

We've been here before. Wall run out to the ring, and then to the next platform.

Jump across the gap to the next platform.

Climb up the rail here. There are some light seeds on that wall.
Go ahead and jump up there to collect them.

There's some more light seeds up on this platform. Hop over there to collect them.

That's all the light seeds this way. Jump back to the wall.

Then jump back to the platform you were previously on.

Climb up the two rings on the side of this wall to the next platform.

Jump down and grab the light seed down there.

Wall run up and over the wall to the next section.

Wall run up to the ring in the wall and then to the top of the wall.

Look back towards the center of the room. There's a light seed there.
Double jump to get that light seed. Then climb over the wall with the ring in it.

Double jump across to the pole.

Then drop down to the floor.

Jump across the slides grabbing the light seeds you come across.

Jump to the flag pole, and then to the wall. Grab the ring at the corner.

It will flip you to the other side. Jump to the flag pole at the end of your wall run.

Jump from this flag pole to the wall. Grab the ring at the corner.

The ring will flip you to the other side. Jump to the next platform at the end of that wall run.

Run back across the ring in the corners and the flag pole section.

Until you get to the picture above. Wall run up to the ring in the wall. It will flip you on to the platform above.

Turn around, there are two light seeds there for you to grab.

Wall run to the ring in the wall, and then to the next platform.

Wall run across the two rings in the wall to the flag pole.

Jump from the flag pole down to the floor.

Jump across to the slide. Collect the light seeds on the slides as you make your way along. Double jump at the end of the second slide to the platform.

Jump across to the column.

Jump to the wall and wall run. At the end of your wall run jump to the next column.

Ceiling run to the next column.

Ceiling run to the edge of the ceiling, and the drop to the platform below.

Walk out on to the beam. Jump across to the hand holds in the wall.

Climb up to the top set of hand holds.

Wall run to the right to collect two more seeds. You will end up at the same beam you previously left.

Double jump from this platform to the column you just left.

Ceiling run to the next column.

Ceiling run to the edge of the ceiling, and the drop off to the next platform.

Jump across the flag poles, to the second flag pole.

Now drop down to the bottom flag pole.

Double jump across to the platform.

Jump across to the wall, and wall run up to the ring.
Use the ring to pull yourself up to a set of hand holds.

Walk around the hand holds to the next platform. Collect the light seed here.

Jump across the two flag poles to the wall. You will run up the wall to a ring.
Use the ring to climb back to the starting platform for this area.
When you have the Hand of Ormazd power, come back here.

Jump to the flagpole, and then double jump to the next platform.

Slide down to the next floor.

Once again slide down to the next level.

Wall run out and use the blue pressure plate.

You will end up stuck on a flag pole. Drop down three flag poles.

Then jump to the nearby platform.

Wall run out to the next blue plate.

Wall run three times to get to the next blue plate.

You will bounce off two more blue plates, and then land at the next platform.
More Prince of Persia Walkthroughs
This Prince of Persia walkthrough is divided into 62 total pages.