This The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker walkthrough is divided into 47 total pages.
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11.2 Even More Great Sea Goodies

Now that Link has the Skull Hammer, there are a few upgrades that we can get along the Great Sea. One of the locations is at the east end of the Great Sea at Thorned Fairy Island. Warp over to the Tower of the Gods and sail east two square regions to reach the island.

"Once you arrive, use the Skull Hammer to hit the switch three times, causing the vines to disappear. Inside, Link will meet the Great Fairy who will upgrade Link's Quiver so that he can hold 60 arrows!

The second Quiver Upgrade can also be acquired at this point in time. It is located at Western Fairy Island, which is two square regions south of the Forsaken Fortress.

Warp over to Tingle Island ans sail west to reach the island. Hit the switch on the island, causing the fire to disappear, giving Link access to the Fairy Fountain. The Great Fairy inside will upgrade Link's quiver so he can hold 99 arrows!

Our next stop is over at Mother and Child Isles. You could have warped here earlier in the game and it will have taken you inside of Mother Isle. However, since we hadn't completed the Forsaken Fortress, we could get the reward that was found inside.

"Now that we have, you can warp there and speak with the Fairy Queen who gives Link the Fire and Ice Arrows!

Once you have acquired the Fire and Ice Arrows, warp on over to Windfall Island. You may have noticed that the mailbox was jumping around at the various other islands on the Great Sea. If not, run over to the Mailbox in order to get a pair of letters.

The first one comes from Tingle, who forces you to pay the 201 rupees of postage! Inside, Tingle will attach the IN-credible chart, which shows the locations of the Triforce Charts and Triforce Shards. We will be using this a bit later. Link will also get a letter from Aryll, which comes with 20 rupees.

Play the Song of Passing to make it night time. If you have yet to do so already, walk behind Salvatore's Mini-Game and climb the ladder. Step on the switch here to cause the Windmill to start moving.

Enter Salvatore's mini-game and climb the stairs on the left to get back outside. Walk around and jump onto the moving Windmill. Once it has reached its peak, shoot a Fire Arrow into the spinning center of the Windmill.

Once the center of the Windmill is on fire, a treasure chest will appear on the small island just to the southwest of the main Windfall Island. Before jump in that direction, jump back down to where we just got onto the Windmill.

Speak to the man wearing a yellow hat that is just standing there. For re-lighting the lighthouse, he will give Link Piece of Heart #37.

Link can then change the direction of the wind to the Southwest and then jump on over to the small island, floating to the island using the Deku Leaf.

Link can also use the Deku Leaf near the Bomb Shop. Open the treasure chest here to get Piece of Heart #38.

Return to Windfall Island and if it isn't already, play the Song of Passing to make it nighttime. Between the Auction House and the Potion shop, Link will find a young woman. She was one of the girls held captive at the Forsaken Fortress. She use to be part of a rich family, but her family had to pay the pirates a hefty amount of rupees to free her, and now she is poor, resulting in a life of crime.

After talking to her, walk up the steps and then look back. She will begin to sneak off a bit, occasionally checking behind her to see if anybody is watching. She will walk around the island all the way until she gets to Zunari's Shop. Stay behind her, but don't get too close, otherwise she'll catch you spying on her.

Eventually, she'll make her way to Zunari's safe that is behind his shop. Walk up to her while she is there and catch her in the act.

You have to answer her questions in the proper way to earn your reward. Answer them as follows and she'll reward Link with the 4th and final Empty Bottle!

" -An ally of justice!

Also on Windfall Island, climb up to the top area, near Salvatore's mini-game. Nearby there are some steps that go even higher up. Climb the steps and then enter the first doorway that you see to reach the top floor of the mansion. This is actually the same building where the Auction House takes place. Speak to Maggie, the rich girl that now lives here. She was one of the girls trapped at the Forsaken Fortress. Agree to mail her letter.

Exit the building and run over to the Mailbox to deliver the letter.

Return to the second floor and enter the Auction House once again. Inside you will hear a fight going on between the Postman and Maggie's Father.

Leave the Auction House and then make your way to the Cafe, located above Zunari's Shop. The Postman will now be found here, so give him the letter and in return, Link will get the Moblin's Letter.

Return to Maggie and show her the letter and she'll reward Link with Piece of Heart #39.

Return to the top floor of the Auction House where we first saw Maggie. Walk over to Maggie's Father and speak with him.

Agree to give him 20 Skull Necklaces and in return, Maggie's Father will give Link Treasure Chart #2. The Skull Necklaces are acquired from Moblins, so you probably should have near 20 of them by now.

There is one more use of the Skull Necklaces here on Windfall Island. Near the Bomb Shop during the day there is a many who you can speak with. Walk over to him and show him some Skull Necklaces.

Offer him three necklaces and he'll thank you by offering to play a really fun game. He asks Link to collect the three pigs located along the island within 2 minutes and he'll reward Link.

Two of the pigs are right nearby towards the coastline. These two shouldn't give too much trouble. Just pick them up, bring them back to the man, and drop them. The third pig can be a bit trickier and he's located near the Gravestone. This one is an angry pig and is much harder to catch. Once you do get ahold of it, bring it back to the man. If you've collected all three within 2 minutes, he'll reward Link with Treasure Chart #42.

We can now collect both of the sunken treasures from the two Treasure Charts. In particular, the sunken treasure from Treasure Chart #2 can be salvaged over at Rock Spire Isle to get Piece of Heart #40!
-Treasure Chart #02 - Rock Spire Isle (Four N
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This The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker walkthrough is divided into 47 total pages.