Assassins Creed II Walkthrough Peacekeeper

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This Assassins Creed II walkthrough is divided into 153 total pages.

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Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1279
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1279

There's a group of ten brutes at the target marker on your map. You have to kill all 10 of them in a minute. It is difficult to say the least.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1280
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1280

Method 1. Make your way to that marker. On your way you will find a group of mercenaries. Hire them, you will deffinitely need them.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1281
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1281

Climb up this building.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1282
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1282

Get on the corner of the roof. You can take out two brutes with your opening assassination. That will make the numbers a little bit more manageable.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1283
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1283

Okay you've got two down. Now your mercanries will join the fight.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1284
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1284

You do not want to fight any of these brutes. You just want to assassinate them while they fight your mercenaries.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1285
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1285

Even then it will be tough to kill the remaining 8 brutes in a minute. Your mercenaries tend to spread them out, and this is to your disadvantage. When they are spread out you have to move further to get to each one.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1286
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1286

Method 2. There is another way to do this mission. It actually works slightly better. Instead of grabing the mercenaries. Grab the Courtesans at the map location where Ezio is in the screenshot.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1287
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1287

Walk the girls to the bridge.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1288
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1288

Send the girls in to distract the guards.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1289
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1289

Get behind the huge group of guards and start assassinating them.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1290
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1290

You will be able to take out a huge number of guards before they realize what's going on.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1291
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1291

I had three left by the time they realized what was happening. Unfortunately they killed my girls.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1292
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1292

Drop your weapon and start countering these guys. You'll steal their weapons and then take them out.

Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1293
Assassins Creed II Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-II 1293

Peacekeeper should now be synched.

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This Assassins Creed II walkthrough is divided into 153 total pages.

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