Call of Duty 5 World at War Walkthrough Mission 14 - Heart of the Reich

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 3 minutes

This Call of Duty 5 World at War walkthrough is divided into 15 total pages.

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Mission 14 - Heart of the Reich

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Regroup with your squad by the tank.

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Follow your squad through the streets.

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Kill the enemys that are shooting at you from behind the wall.

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Walk around the wall and into the hotel. Work with your squad.

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As soon as you go into the hotel clear the enemys to the right. Then exit the building behind of the enemys.

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Exit the first building right into the next one.

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Walk down the hallway into the room to the right. Clear the room.

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Jump out the window looking to the north.

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Follow your squad.

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Your squad will lead you into another building. Meet with the other squad on the other side of the building.

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Destroy the Flak 88's. Use your radar to locate them. On each one you can plant explosives.

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Clear enemys around the guns before you plant explosives to lower the risk of dieing.

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On each gun theres a glowing box where you plant the explosives. When you get close enough all you have to do is press and hold x.

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Continue to head West and head towards the Reichstag(The big building).

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Clear all the enemys around the stairways and up by the pillars of the building. Then head up the stairs and into the Reichstag.

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Once up the stairs and all enemys are cleared a pillar will fall from the building and clear a path for you to enter the Reichstag.

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Follow Roznov.

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This Call of Duty 5 World at War walkthrough is divided into 15 total pages.

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