Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough Predator

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This Grand Theft Auto V walkthrough is divided into 83 total pages.

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Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 416
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 416


Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 417
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 417

Watch for the group to break down the dirt row to the left side of the highway. Follow carefully, using Franklin’s special ability to stay on the road. You don’t need to drive too quickly.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 418
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 418

After a few sharp turns, the target vehicle will veer to miss a deer and roll off the road. Exit your vehicle and run down towards the burning car to trigger a phone call to Trevor.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 419
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 419

After the switch, drive towards the airfield and get in the Frogger and fly out to Raton Canyon. Fly towards the waypoint to start the sniping segment as Michael.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 420
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 420


Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 421
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 421

The first target is in the river taking a leisurely swim. Use Mike's ability to get a headshot on him.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 422
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 422

The second target is hiding behind a tree in the middle of the forest. You'll have to wait for him to move out of cover to ID him. Again, use Mike's ability to get a good headshot. For the third target, the game switches to Franklin.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 423
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 423

Follow Chop as he runs through the river and up the hill. The third target is running away up the dirt road, so let Chop get him.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 424
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 424

From here, you can shoot him down as Franklin or switch to Michael and go for a headshot.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 425
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 425

Once the third target is down, switch to Trevor and land the chopper on the dirt road to pick up Franklin and Chop.

Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 426
Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough - Grand Theft-Auto-V 426

Fly back to the airfield and land the chopper to complete the mission.

More Grand Theft Auto V Walkthroughs

This Grand Theft Auto V walkthrough is divided into 83 total pages.

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