This Mafia 2 walkthrough is divided into 16 total pages.
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Chapter 8: The Wild Ones

Next day you are woken up by joe and his friend.

You get ready and proceed downwards to meet joe.

You speak with the joe about the truck.

Now you need to drive the truck to the destination without getting the goods damaged.

Look out at the corners so as to avoid accidents.

After reaching the destination you sell the goods.

Later you get to the next destination shown on the map.

Look at sharp corners so as to avoid damage to the goods.

On reaching the spot you see the smokes

Meanwhile few persons come and threaten us.

They put the truck on fire.

You need to chase the car.

Later you need to find a phone booth to call eddie.

You can find one on the map.

Speak with the eddie.

Later get in the car and get to the destination.

On reaching the destination you find marty.

Now you need to destroy the bar completly.

Shoot at the bar so as to destroy it.

Later take molovov from the trunk of car and thrown it on the bar.

The bar is destroyed.

Now you need to get their place.

Finally you reach the place by following the map.

You need to take out all the greasers present there.

You need to shoot all of them.

Look at the map for their location of hiding.

Keep moving forward by killing everyone.

Here there are bunch of them.

So take cover and try to shoot at the hiiden ones.

Also llok out for the men on the top of the platform.

Well after killing all of them conversations go on.

Now you need to take hot rod and sell it to the derek.

Look for damages been caused to it on the highway.

After reaching the destination place the hot rod on the platform to sell it to derek.

Now you get the money from derek.

Get to the destination on the map to return the money.You can use car by stealing it.

After reaching the destination get inside the hotel.

You find joe there and return the money.

Then afterwards you leave the place.

Take the car and go to the destination.

Look out for other vehicles to prevent accidents.

Park the car in the garage.

Later you can have something to eat from the fridge.

Later on you can have some rest.
More Mafia 2 Walkthroughs
This Mafia 2 walkthrough is divided into 16 total pages.