This Overlord walkthrough is divided into 39 total pages.
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The Dungeons of Spree
Follow the way to the fires. To the left will be a teleporter. There are also red and brown summoning pits. Have the reds put out the fires.

Follow the hallway down the stairs. A cut scene will begin. Rose will ask you to kill the raiders and retrieve her luggage.

To the left is a dead end. But behind the fires are some people to rescue. Uncorrupt Have the reds put out the fire saving the people. Corrupt Have the reds put out the fires. Then have your minions kill the people.

To the right is blocked by fires. Be careful there are a few of the raiders on the other side of the fires. Have the reds put out the fires.

Once the fires are out have your minions kill the raiders. Go up the stairs and to the right is another fire. Have the reds put the fire out.

Keep going to the right. In the room in the corner, there will be a fire blocking your path. Set the reds on a guard marker here. They will kill the raiders on the other side of the fires.

Have the reds put out both fires. Place the reds on a guard marker on the stairs. This will let the reds kill the rest of the raiders in the room.

Have the reds put out the fires. Be careful between the second and third fires raiders will drop in.

Climb the stairs. Have your minions open the gate.

Place the reds on a guard marker to have them kill the raiders while you run back to the gate.

On the way back there will be a couple of raiders and a few fire beetles.

Go through the gate. At the bottom of the stairs are red and brown summoning pits.

Go around the wall and you will see a monster. The way to beat the monster is simple. Place say five red minions on both sides of the monster.

They will throw fireballs at the monster until it dies.

Have the reds put out the fire. Then have your minions pick up Rose's luggage.

When Rose's luggage gets in the room with her, a cut scene will begin. Rose will move into the tower. Go up stairs and get the tour.

Now there is just one thing to clear up in Mellow Hills. So go back down stairs and use the tower heart. Choose Mellow Hills as your destination.

Once back in Mellow Hills grab all the red minions you can. Now go back to Melvin's Kitchen. When you are in Spree, go out the right gate. When you are at Melvin's Kitchen, go to the right.

Follow this path back to the big fire. Once the fire is out have the reds grab the big bag of gold. The reds will bring it back to a teleporter.

Go back towards where you found the smelter. At the big sheep pen, when you come to the path leading left. Follow the path left.

Keep following path until you reach the fire. Have the reds put the fire out.

Follow the path after the fires are out and you will reach Evernight Forest.
More Overlord Walkthroughs
This Overlord walkthrough is divided into 39 total pages.