This Surgeon Simulator 2013 walkthrough is divided into 5 total pages.
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Heart Transplant

You will "pass out" and wake up at an operation with some loud techno music playing from the radio.

Begin with removing the operation cover.

It's almost impossible to grab due to the flexibility..

So just swiping it off works best. Holding down M1 will lower your hand/arm while holding M2 will allow you to rotate your wrist.

The cut-up torso will reveal itself and as you can see from the rather fat rib-cage, we can't reach the heart at this point.

To remove the ribcage, you'll need tools. There are dozens to choose from ranging from a drill, a bonesaw, a hammer and more.

I recommend taking the hammer.

To grab it, hold down M1 and the press A W E R simutaneously. Then let go of M1, keep holding down AWER and move over the patient.

Now, either press M1 to lower and/or flick around your wrist with M2 to start "Swinging".

Once done wrecking the bone, put the hammer aside.

And start digging out all the debris from the torso. You don't have to get everything, just the biggest obnoxious pieces.

Once the middle is clear, reach in there with your hand, grab hold and..

Start pulling the lunges out.

You might need to turn your wrist a bit for the left one. And ofcourse, your watch willl fly off.

You wont need the other organs so just put them wherever.

There will also be a few other organs but don't sweat it if you cant reach them. You just need access to the heart.

Now carefully grab a scapel with your thumb (Space-bar) and pointing finger (R)

You really must hold it like this in order to achieve any kind of precision.

As once you start cutting, you wont be able to see anything.

The goal is to cut all the major veins "holding" the heart to the patient in order to take it out. It's pretty much cemented in there otherwise.

It may seem gruesome and like you're doing things wrong but just keep slicing right above the heart.

Eventually, you'll stop hearing the heartbeat and blood will start to gush from the torso, along with the heart "ragdolling". Grab it.

And throw it away like the rest of the organs.

Now reach all the way top right..

Open the organ box..

And grab the new heart.

Put it in..

And job's done.

Now select Kidney Transplant. This is the hardest one.
More Surgeon Simulator 2013 Walkthroughs
This Surgeon Simulator 2013 walkthrough is divided into 5 total pages.