Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough Final Showdown

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 4 minutes

This Valkyria Chronicles walkthrough is divided into 29 total pages.

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Final Showdown

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0911

Ah, the final showdown. This battle is way easier than the previous one.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0912

In the two North most spots deploy Rosie and Alicia. In the two south most spots deploy two snipers.
In remaining spots deploy Largo, two more lancers, and an engineer.
Make sure Welkin has all the ammo he can for this battle. Change the Edelweiss so it has as much ammo as it can get.

Turn 1

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0913

There are towers located around the Marmota. Maximilian will draw power from three of these towers at a time.
The key is to take out all three towers on your turn, and then do some damage to Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0914

You can look at your map to see which towers he is drawing power from. They will have blue lines from the tower to Maximilian.

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Select Rosie and have her take out the two South most towers.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0917

Now select one of your snipers and have them take out the North most tower. Now select Welkin.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0918

Move him Northward and have him launch a morter at Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0919

Now select the Shamrock. Have him launch a morter at Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0920

Select Welkin again and have him launch a morter at Maximilian.
At this point he will be at about half health.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0921

He will throw away his shield, vanish and appear a little ways to the North. Select your engineer.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0922

Run her to Welkin to refill his ammo, and then have her heal Rosie.

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Run her back South and hide her behind the walls where your troops started. Save your remaining two command points.

Turn 2

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0924

Once again and see which of the towers on your map have blue lines to Maximilian. Those are the towers you need to take out.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0925

Select Rosie, and have her take out the South most tower.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0926

Select one of your snipers and have them take out the North most tower. The armored towers should be taken out with a lancer.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0927

Select one of your lancers and run them close to the base of the tower. You will have to spend two points to do this. Have them launch two lances at the live tower to take it down.
Once again you will spend two points to do this.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0928

You should have nine command points left. Select Welkin and have him drop a morter on Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0929

Select Welkin again, and have him drop another morter on Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0930

Once again select Welkin, and have him drop another morter on Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0931

One last time, select Welkin, and have him drop a morter on Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0932

Now select your engineer, and run to Welkin to refill his ammo.

Turn 3 Select Rosie.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0933

Have her take out the South most tower.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0934

Select one of your snipers, and have them take out the North most tower that Maximilian is drawing power from.
You will have to shoot it twice, so this will take two shots.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0935

Now select Largo, and him take out the middle tower that Maximilian is drawing power from.
Once again this will take two shots, and require two command points. I missed once so this took me an extra command point.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0936

Now select Welkin, and have him lob a morter at Maximilian.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0937

Select Welkin again, and lob a morter at Maximilion.

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Valkyria Chronicles Walkthrough - Valkyria Chronicles 0938

One last time select Welkin, and lob a morter at Maximilian. That's it. You've beat him!

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This Valkyria Chronicles walkthrough is divided into 29 total pages.

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