Assassins Creed III Walkthrough Sequence 11 - Battle of the Chesapeake

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

This Assassins Creed III walkthrough is divided into 48 total pages.

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Sequence 11 - Battle of the Chesapeake

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 403
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 403

After taking control of Connor again, head to the docks to begin the next mission.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 404
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 404

Once on the ship you will need to destroy about a dozen enemy ships.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 405
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 405

Once the smaller ships have been dealt with the Frigates will appear.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 406
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 406

Once you've finished the frigates you will need to deal with the Liner. Ram into it to begin with then you can board it.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 407
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 407

Once you reach the deck you will need to find and kill the captain.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 408
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 408

At one part of the ship you will come across a group of rifle men, you can attempt to use the meat shield technique or hide behind a wall and run out once they've finished shooting and attack them.

Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 409
Assassins Creed III Walkthrough - Assassins Creed-III 409

Once you kill the captain you will have 10 seconds to leave the ship before the gun powder explodes. Once you're off the ship the mission will end.

More Assassins Creed III Walkthroughs

This Assassins Creed III walkthrough is divided into 48 total pages.

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